Dance With Somebody

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It's happened.... Whitney Houston is officially dead... well she has been. For a few months now, but we all still come to her locker memorial every day and pay tribute to her memory. We sing for her memory.

I'm glee club Rachel and Mercedes argued, leaning over me and Artie.

"It was written for Diana Ross." Mercedes says firmly.

"No, Mercedes, you are wrong, Okay? The Bodyguard was originally written for Barbra Streisand." Rachel corrected.

"Actually Rachel, it was suppose to be Diana Ross- and Steve McQueen back in the 70's." Mr. Shue finalized.

"Thank you, Mr. Shue." Mercedes yelled.

"I've been doing some research to prepare for this weeks lesson." Mr. Shue says as he writes Whitney on the board.

"It's about time we did a Whitney tribute!" Rachel said clapping.

"Are we sure that's appropriate?" Sam asks.

"You did not just ask that?!" Mercedes shouts.

"I just mean, didn't Whitney kind of have a lot of problem?" Sam responded awkwardly.

"She had a hard life, Sam. And?" Mercedes asks making Sam just look away.

"Look, this week isn't about passing judgment on Whitney. It's about celebrating her legacy, honoring her memory, her accompaniments." Mr. Shue starts.

"Which I will happily list for you." Kurt tries.

"But but I also want you to use her songs to get underneath your own feelings. To express and explore what's really going on with you." Mr. Shue says I'm a comforting manor.

"I don't get it, Mr. Shue. What's really going on with us?" Finn asks.

"Well, for most of you, these next few weeks will be your last here at McKinley. Lots of changes coming up, lots of... saying good-bye. To your friends, to your significant others, to the last four years of your life." Mr. Shue softens his voice. Arties hand connects with mine as we give each other a sad smile.

"For a young person, all that transition can be overwhelming. So it's easier to focus on other things. Like not being able to say good-bye to Whitney Houston." Mr. Shue says and there it is, the fish in the cake.

"What are you talking about?" Santana questions.

"Santana, it's okay. I get it. You're hanging onto Whitney because it's difficult to handle the upheaval in your own lives." Mr. Shue 'comforts'. I scoff.

"We're hanging on to Whitney because we was incredible and we love her, so don't put your baggage on us." Santana corrects.

"You guys, Mr. Shue's attempt to understand us, though misguided, doesn't matter. What matters is that I start rehearsing Whitney's version of 'the star spangled Banner' immediately. It is the Mount Everest of anthems." Rachel stresses.

Artie and I go down the hall when I notice he stopped. I look back to see a crestfallen Artie, a few feet away from me. I walk over and kneel down to his height.

"What's going on?" I ask. Artie looks everywhere but at me.

"What Mr. Shue said. You only have a few more weeks here... what's going to happen to us?" He asks nervously. I grab his gloved hands.

"Well, how about we make a deal." I offer. He finally looks at me.

"What kind of deal?" He now asking with a different kind of nerve.

"How about, we spend these next few weeks together, happily, and then on the day of graduation we let each other go and keep to being friends, because Artie Abrams I love you so much and if I didn't have you in my life? I don't know what id do." I finish with a cheeky smile. I ignore the tears pooling in my eyes and focus on Artie. He nods.

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