Extraordinary Merry Christmas

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We all run in and continue helping decorate the choir room, interrupting Mercedes singing 'all I want for Christmas is you'. We join her.

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents

I toss the boys some empty, and wrapped presents.

Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true

We dance around Mercedes with garland.

All I want for Christmas is you
You baby

We separate and I fling garland over Arties neck. I hold up some mistletoe above our heads and kiss him sweetly.

Baby all I want for Christmas is you
All I want for Christmas is you (baby)
All I want for Christmas is you (baby)

Now it's Mercedes turn as she holds mistletoe above Rachel and Finns heads, causing them to kiss. We cheer.

Later, back in glee club I stand with Santana, Mercedes, and Rachel as we look at our beautiful tree.

"We might've spend our entire decorating budget for the whole year, but with something that looks as absolutely fabulous as this, I have to say, brav-ho-ho-ho." Rachel says smiling at it, Santana and I lightly clap, also excited for how amazing the tree looks as other glee kids walk in.

"Hey everybody, listen up. My man, Rory Flanagan here, wants to say a few." Finn gets everyone's attention as we're all sitting down. I smile as Quinn sits next to me and Artie on my other side.

"Thanks, Finn Hudson. So, guys, my mummy was going to come visit for the holidays, but plane tickets are expensive, so it's my first Christmas without any family. I'd like to cheer myself up by dedicating this song to them- and the king." Rory dedicates.

"Jesus?" Kurt asks. Blain Shakes his head no as Elvis Presley's 'blue Christmas' starts playing.

We clap as it's over.

"Gosh, that song was so depressing. I may actually be dead right now." Santana says concerned most likely for herself.

"I-I think Santana means is, although that... that was mournfully beautiful, now that the whole glee club is back together, I think that we should focus on the more joyous and pageant aspect of this holiday season." Rachel says smiling.

"Rachel's right. Last Christmas was super sad. Kurt was at another school, Coach Sylvester trashed everything, and Artie got a pair of magic legs that broke the next day. We were the island of misfit toys. This year is going to be..." Tina was interrupted by Mr. Shue.

"This year, it's a whole new sprig of mistletoe. Guess who's not getting coal in their stockings for once- us. Rory, have a seat. I just got off the phone with Don Borowski, the local station manager of Lima's PBS affiliate. Turns out that their annual broadcast of the Yule log burning has been canceled." Mr. Shue introduces.

"The hell?" Noah yells. I turn around to look at him with confusion. I turn back around and Artie and I try not to laugh.

"Yeah, they cant afford the licensing fees anymore. But thank you, Scrooges who own that copyright, because Don came to sectionals, he loved what we did, and he is offering us..." This time Rachel interrupted Mr. Shue.

"A Christmas special featuring all of us? Okay, please say you said yes." Rachel shouts out.

"Not only did I say yes, but when Don said that they were looking for a director for the special, I nominated you, Artie." Mr. Shue announces. I gasp.

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