On My Way

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Kurt, Rachel, and I sit in Lima Bean and look at wedding dresses.

"Oh, this is good. Oh, it's so timeless, it's perfect." Rachel comments.

"Yeah, timeless, meaning you can wait two or five years to wear it." Kurt says. I laugh.

"Don't he jealous." Rachel mutters.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't a young Barbra Streisand and an old Betty white. And some girl I don't remember the name of." Sebastian greets us.

"Where is gay cyclops? Still trying to stumble his way in?" Sebastian asks.

"We can't come here anymore." Kurt says, looking at me.

"Rachel, I, Uh, brought an engagement gift for you." Sebastian says with a dazzling smile. I peer over as Rachel opens it and I gasp, holding a hand over my mouth to keep my laughs at bay.

"Woah. Oh, whoa, whoa!" Kurt says.

"Oh my god! Oh, no, that is... that is photoshopped. His thing is not that small or... or brown." Rachel shrieks.

"And he could never fit in those pumps." Kurt adds.

"Just think, from now until eternity, every time someone googles Finn Hudson they'll be treated to that and dozens just like it. That's the beauty of the internet. It stays with us forever." Sebastian says. I smell a threat coming.

"What do you want Sebastian?" Rachel asks.

"I want a guaranteed regionals win, so I want you to drop out. McKinley gets home-court advantage this year. You're going to come down with Asian bird flu or whatever Tina blowing-wang just had." Sebastian explains.

"But that is show choir terrorism." Rachel says.

"You give a bad name to the entire gay community." Kurt says.

"And you give the gay community cutting-edge fashion that should only be seen on Puerto Rican pride floats." Sebastian responds.

"Is that suppose to be bad? I don't understand anything right now." I mutter.

"I'm sorry- I didn't hear you. I was distracted by your giant horse teeth." Kurt says with sass.

"You have 24 hours to drop out, Rachel, or I press the upload button." Sebastian threatens and leaves the cafe. The next day at school we all watch Finn look at the photoshopped picture.

"That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom, and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kids ass!" Finn shouts.

"Finn, chill." Mr. Shue says.

"No, I'm not going to chill. I'm done chilling." Finn shouts.

"The official show choir rule book states that 'real or perceived threat of violence, vandalism, or humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice.' It's right here, page 72, bylaw 15, section six, article 44." Artie read, being wheeled in by Noah.

"Guys, I contacted the headmaster of dalton." Mr. Shue starts.

"Like you Did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they're gonna do now- nothing." Blaine reminds us.

"Seriously. The warblers have that school by the balls like they're on the edge." I explain.

"That was very vivid." Finn mutters.

"Look, none of this matters now anyways, Okay? We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at regionals." Rachel says shrugging. Oh no. I look at Finn.

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