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That morning in glee club the original six decide to show the rest of the glee club just how horrible 'sit down, you're Rockin the boat' was.

We finish the song and everyone laughs and claps, including Mr. Shue who we didn't notice had walked in through his office.

"That was thee most ghetto number I have ever seen. I can't believe you joined glee club Dani." Santana admitted. I shrugged.

"Then just call me George Jefferson, because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. National champs, baby!" Artie called out and we cheered. We all were silenced by Mr. Shue writing good-bye on the board. Artie and I glance at each other.

"This weeks assignment is easy. Graduation is just a few days away. There's nothing left to prepare for. Our work here is done, so there's only one thing left to do: say goodbye. Underclassman, pick some songs to say goodbye to the seniors; seniors, pick a song to say goodbye to us." Mr. Shue instructs.

"A part of me wants to lock these doors and stay in here with everyone forever." Mercedes says sadly.

"We could use the wastebasket for the toilet, and then we could eat joe for the food, since she's been here the shortest, so we know her the least." Brittany plans.

"I really hope you're about to rap." Quinn admits. Mr. Shue laughs.

"No such luck. I'm leading by example here. This one... is for you guys." Mr. Shue starts playing and singing 'forever young'. I hold Quinn's hand and lean on Santana. I gave a wink towards Tina and near the end of the song I smiled at Artie. This was it.

I walk down the halls of McKinley high knowing I made a difference. Though I terrorized everyone, people had followed my lead. Different cliques were becoming friends. By being the first Cheerio to ever join glee, it shook the status quo. Since everyone was afraid of me, they became not so afraid to befriend people in different social circles. Everyone had seemed happier. Even the footballers had been laying off the glee kids even before we won nationals. Hopefully McKinley would stay like this.

Artie leads me into an empty classroom a few classes later And turns around as I sit in a chair while my feet become really interesting to look at.

"So this is it?" I ask quietly. Artie nods.

"I think it's better this way." He says, trying to be strong. I nod in agreement. I finally look up at him.

"Still best friends?" I ask with a smirk. He nods twice.

"Always." He says firmly. We sit in silence for a few moments, the tears building up too fast to hold back.

"I love you so much." I confess. A tear slips from Arties eye as they pour out of mine. He grabs my hand.

"I-i love you too. A lot." Artie says back. I nod, wiping my tears. I bend over and kiss him, a part of me hoped it wasn't for the last time.

"Goodbye." I whisper against his lips. I rush out of the classroom without looking back. Running into the nearest bathroom I let myself cry for him. Rachel rushes in to see me; a mess. She's instantly on the floor with me, letting me hug her as I cry.

"If you tell anyone. I will hurt you." I threaten. We both laugh.

"Oh, I won't." She assures me. I finally stop crying and we go to head into the choir room. I walk in and start heading towards Artie when I realize it might be too soon for that, so I go and sit next to Noah and Santana. Kurt walks up front, ready to sing his goodbye song.

"I wanted to dedicate my goodbye song to all of you, but I mostly wanted to thank the men in the room who have truly inspired me and never saw me for the things that made us different. You only saw me for the ways that we're the same. Because, in this room... it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight... what matters is that we're friends. 'I'll remember' starts playing and then Kurt starts singing.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now