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That night I watch Kurt's recently superstitious and OCD self, pack for our trip back to Ohio. I decided to go with Kurt on his trip. Not only to see my family, to see Jesse, to see McKinley again, but most importantly, to see if Burts cancer is gone forever. Ever since Mama Hummel and Burt got married, Burts been like a father figure to me and Kurt knew that, so that's why he asked if I wanted to go to the appointment with them. Of course I said yes, and now I stand by the opening of his curtain, waiting for him to finish packing.

We leave the apartment and ride the plane silently. When Jesse comes to pick us up, I do it with a half heart. By now, the only thing I can focus on is if Burts gonna be okay. I kiss Jesse goodbye as he drops us off at McKinley. Kurt and I smile as we walk in.

"It's good to be back." I say smiling. Kurt nods in response. Kurt looks over to see Blaine and he just kind of stares at him, lost in his own mind. I smile, gasping as Mercedes comes up and hugs me from behind. I look around to see Mike there as well. I go and hug Mike as Kurt hugs Mercedes.

We all run into the choir room as everyone cheers for us and we sit in the stands, waiting to listen to Kittys number shes been working on, dancing with Jake and Ryder, 'signed, sealed, delivered I'm yours'.

She basically sings the whole song to Artie and even jumps over him, legs spread. Kurt and most of the glee kids who know our past look at me, but my jaws just hanging like everyone else's. I've been over Artie for awhile now but this is... interesting. We clap and cheer anyway.

"Seemed like the perfect Stevie song to celebrate Artie getting his acceptance letter into film school." Kitty announces. Everyone gasps. I walk up smiling.

"Really Artie? That's amazing." I smile sweetly, bending down to hug him congratulations.

"I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it." I whisper in his ear. I smile but he doesn't seem happy. He wheels back to his sitting area and i go back to my seat, confused.

"Well, you know, that may have been the perfect song, but that performance was just one package that I'm not signing for. I mean, honestly, it was good, but you guys have got to be great for regionals." Mercedes giver her feedback.

"Yeah, clearly we should be taking our advise from someone who came crawling back to Ohio after apparently having her L.A. dream shattered. You learn your new lyrics yet? 'Do you want fries with that'" Kitty shot back.

"You evil bitch." I muttered.

"Kitty, maybe if you stopped singing like you smoke two packs a day and stopped dancing like you're having an epileptic seizure, the whole club wouldn't have to rely on Marley, who though you won't admit it, is a better singer then you, hey most of the club is better at singing then you. Hell, even brad is a better singer then you... Might wanna work on your pitch." I rant. Kitty purses her lips, smartly not talking back to me.

"And maybe, if you put some of that sass in your performance, your teacher wouldn't have begged me to come here and be your new vocal coach." Mercedes adds, throwing it in her face.

"Mercedes is one of the strongest vocalists I'm McKinley glee club history." Mr. Shue informs her.

"So get on point, Kitty. You're little theory about Mercedes shattered dreams, like most of the garbage that comes out of your mouth, is wrong. All right, Mercedes is back because she has a new album coming out, all about home, and she's coming back to film a video for it." Kurt explains. I high five Kurt.

"Wow, Mercedes, that's awesome." Sam says.

"And Mr. Shue asked me to help choreograph for regionals." Mike explains.

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