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So here's what you miss on glee: Kurt's back at McKinley but he's still dating Blaine Sam use to date Quinn but she's back with Finn, who use to date Rachel, who's still sort of in love with him- Finn, that is. Santana's in love with Brittany but she's to scared to say it out loud- and Brits back with Artie, anyways. Sue's bent on destroying the Glee club before nationals. She even formed an evil league with nicknames. And that's what you missed on Glee!

"Extra! Extra! Get your muckraker here!" I hear Becky yell along the hall.

"This newspaper is kind of a joke." I scoff, reading the ridiculous headlines. Finn and I laugh as some of the things their saying.

"I think we should talk about nationals. We need to do a duet." Rachel creeps her way over to us.

"And now it's my time to leave. Bye Finn." I say. Finn gives me a fleeting smile in response. I walk ahead and into glee club. I make a beeline for Noah and start showing him the paper. We're laughing about another when Finn walks in.

"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn shouts, storming into the glee club.

"What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret moonlight motel rendezvous with a big-lipped blondie?" He reads the headline.

"Where does it say that?" Sam asks.

"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!" Finn yells.

"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" Quinn asks.

"Well why shouldn't I? Why wouldn't he do the same thing that I did to him?" Finn asks. I mean that's what Quinn gets. This is her second time cheating on a boyfriend; first on Finn with Noah and then on Sam with Finn.

"Because it's gossip, Finn." She scoffs. I continue reading through that same column and my mouth falls open about Santana's rumor.

"This is your fault! You told everyone that I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show." Santana yells, also storming into the glee club.

"Wait. Are you mad? You do okay for another team. You were on the Cheerios and now your only in the new directions." Brittany explains.

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?" Santana asks.

"I swear I'm going to punch your face off!" Finn yells pushing Sam.

"Really? Just- just like clean off?" I ask him. i know Finn hears me but he pays me no mind.

"Hey, you got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating when you're the one who snuck in and stole my girl!" Sam shouts back as they both try and push each other.

"Hey! Hey Finn, where are you going?! Hey we got rehearsal." Mr. Shue shouts as Finn storms out of glee club now.

The next day in glee club I silently clap as April Rhodes walks back into the glee club. She has joined us a multitude of times and they never fail to amuse me. I smile at Santana and then to my other side at Noah. 'Dreams' starts playing, and April starts singing.

We clap as April and Mr. Shue's duet finishes and he goes to write rumours on the board.

"Rumours- a classic record by Fleetwood Mac. One of the greatest albums of all time. Written as the band was breaking apart... to keep it together. Now, this week, we are done with the backstabbing and the gossip, and we're channeling all that energy into working together. So, pick a song from the album, put your own spin on it. Simple as that." Mr. Shue instructs.

After the bell rings I head straight to my locker to get my things for the next class. It doesn't take long as a minute or two later I shut my locker only to jump as there stands Kurt. I laugh.

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