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Rachel and I walk into dance class, putting on our shoes Miss. July walks in.

"All right. Since your egregious ineptitude is making me lose my will to live, I decided to bring in some of my best upperclassmen to help you up your game. Let's partner up. We're gonna go across the floor. Let's start with some jetés." She instructs. A random guy walks up to me, asking me to be his partner and I say yes. We get in line and wait for our turn.

When we go down the floor she yells ways to fix it and we go back in line. I watch with curiosity as Rachel and Brody stay at the end of the room with Miss. July.

"Juniors take five- freshman- I don't know- just honey, do something." She yells to everyone. The freshman get on the floor, stretching.

After school I lay on the floor and watch Kurt and Rachel do some weird stretch thing.

"I can't believe you have a dance audition for The Glass Menagerie." Kurt says.

"I know. I can't believe it either." I say with a smirk. After a look from Rachel she reply's.

"Well, Ivan is a very physical director. All of his work is very moment-driven." Rachel explains as Kurt starts to fail to be able to bend all the way forward.

"You got this!" I encourage.

"Come on." Rachel says.

"Ooh! Release." Kurt says and they let go. Rachel flops on the floor.

"Pathetic." I yell.

"Ooh! Grease update from Tina. Ooh. Apparently the girl playing sandy has gained so much weight, she can't fit into her cloths." Kurt finishes with a pout. I sit up and scoot over to them.

"Aw. That's unfortunate. But it doesn't really have anything to do with us?" Rachel asks. Kurt and I give her our best puppy-dog look.

"No. We're not. We are not going to see it." Rachel argues while Kurt and I keep the face.

"Not gonna see what? What are you doing in my studio, schwimmer? Practicing for your big audition?" Miss. July asks, walking in.

"Yeah, this is actually our roommate, Kurt. He's helping me with it." Rachel explains.

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss. July, and... Ooh, y-you've got some abs." Kurt stutters. Miss. July taps her abs.

"That's sweet. Can you get the bar? So, you were saying. Not gonna see what?" Miss. July asks.

"Her recently broken-up-with ex-boyfriend is directing my recently broken-up-with ex-boyfriend in a school production of Grease, and we've got a bunch of friends in it, so we were debating wether or not we should go." Kurt explains everything.

"And I don't have drama with my ex there, so I would really like to go." I say looking between my two roommates.

"When is it?" Miss. July asks.

"This weekend." I answer.

"Oh. You need to go. I mean, if you're both not over your exes, it's a perfect opportunity for closure." Miss. July insights. I stare off dreamily, thinking of my past closure encounter with a certain baby drive through that went by the name Corcoran.

"I have closure." Rachel argues.

"Okay. Then go have fun, schwim. Or go because it's Grease. Go because it's your friends, it's your high school." Miss. July suggests plentiful reasons to go.

"Rachel, I'm going. I need to see him. I haven't seen him since. I'm not sleeping. I'm living off of ambien and The Notebook. Please come with us. We can't do it alone." Kurt finishes and I go back to the puppy dog face.

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