I Am a Unicorn

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So here's what you missed on glee: Quinn's got a new look, and a new crowd of skanks. Kurt got Blaine join to join the new directions, which is good, because Santana got kicked out, and Sugar Motta wasn't good enough to get in. McKinley's doing west side story, and Kurt and Rachel need the leads so they can get into NYADA while Danielle somehow got back on the Cheerios so she could get into NYADA. Speaking of Danielle, it seems she and Artie kind of a thing...Sue's using her run for congress to come after the arts. Believe it or not, still not a big fan of the glee club. And that's what you missed on Glee.

I walked into school and the familiar scent of fear, wafting from the students around me made me smile. This year was off to a good start. I had an amazingly romantic summer with Artie, I was a cheerio again and somehow managed not to destroy the purple pianos, unlike Santana and glee club was almost perfect. I jump a little when I felt a hand on mine. I turned around and saw Artie. I swooped down to kiss him.

"Hi." I whispered against his lips.

"Hi." He laughed back. I walked around him and started pushing him to glee club.

I sat next to him when he wheeled himself to his seat. Mr. Shue walking in not much later.

"All right, new directions! Big news. As you all know, vocal adrenaline came in second last year at nationals." Mr. Shue says. Noah goes to sit next to me.

"The only good thing to come out of that list weekend." Finn muttered making Rachel hit him.

"Besides us getting back together." He adds talking to Rachel.

"Well, the boosters at Carmel don't donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to come in second. So they fired Dustin Goolsby-" Mr. Shue starts.

"So handsome." Artie says. I awkwardly give him a look which causes him to silently laugh. I lightly push him and bring my attention to Mr. Shue.

"That means they're vulnerable." Tina says.

"How?" I ask confused.

"Vocal adrenaline doesn't have a Coach." Noah whispers. I make an 'oh' shape with my mouth.

"Yes. And if we work hard enough, we can beat them. Which is why Ive realized that um... I can't direct the musical this year." Mr. Shue confesses.

"But, Mr. Shue, you can't cancel the musical. My New York dreams depend on it." Rachel begs.

"I'm not canceling it, I'm just not directing it. My sole focus has to be in here. Nationals, nationals, nationals. And it's not just me that has to focus harder this year. I've been too easy on you. So every day after choir practice I'm instituting a mandatory booty camp, so that we can work on our dancing. Now it's not for all of you- just the people that I think need help. Like..." Mr. Shue trails off.

"Yeah I know." Finn says.

"How'd you know? And Puckerman, Hummel." Mr. Shue starts.

"I must protest." Kurt says.

"You kind of have one move Kurt. It's like this sashay, and it's super distracting." Mike says.

"Jones." Mr. Shue says.

"What? Hell to the nizzy-no." Mercedes sasses.

"You told me once you were Beyoncé. You don't think she spends extra time In the dance studio?" Mr. Shue asks.

"And lastly... Morgan (of course.). You're getting better, but we need it to be perfect if we're gonna beat vocal adrenaline. Mike chang has offered to be my assistant. And we start tomorrow and yes Puckerman, it is mandatory." Mr. Shue says after Noah raised his hand.

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