New directions

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The next day Rachel, Artie, Sam, and I are packing up the choir room before sue can get to our trophies when a whiny Tina walks in.

"Wha-what are you guys doing?" She asks. I help Rachel put a trophy into a box.

"Mr. Shue wanted us to pack away the trophies before sue came in and had the Cheerios do it." Rachel explained. Rachel and I gave each other a look as Tina began to pout.

"No, don't get upset. Oh." Rachel said as she went in to hug her.

"I'm upset." Tina murmured. Kurt and Blaine ran into the choir room.

"Guys, you might want to sit down for this. I have some huge news." Blain said.

"You guys got married and adopted Russian twin babies. Yes!" Sam said quickly and excitingly. We all looked at him strangely.

"Blaine got into NYADA!"

"I got into NYADA!" They both shouted at the same time. Basically everyone freaked out in excitement.

"Oh, my god!" Rachel shouted.

"Congratulations!" Tina smiles. They go into hug them.

"Yay, another person in the apartment." I mutter but go into hug them anyways. The others say congratulations too and we all hug them in support.

"Oh, my god! You guys, do you know what this means? All of us- we're all going to New York together!" Tina shouts out with a wide smile. We all whoop when Sam knocks Tina out with a trophy. We all rush to her, trying to wake her up... after a minute or two of trying it seems Tina's coming too as she shakes her head and proceeds to open her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Tina, I-I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asks worryingly.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm great. You guys, New York, it's gonna be amazing." Tina said with glee.

We all went down to the auditorium listening to Mercedes and Kurt on the stage. I sat next to Sam and Brittany.

"You know, being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, and... I mean, look at puck and Quinn. I mean, I have no idea what's going on there, nor do i know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can be expecting another 'accidental' pregnancy soon." Mercedes states. I look at the couple in the seats away from me and I smile. Some of the people whoop and cheer for what Mercedes had said.

"But, alas, with the old feelings come the old bad ones, too. Why, just today, Mercedes and I were in the lunch line when a battle from way back in the day came out, a-and we found ourselves at each other's throats again." Kurt continued, explaining the tater tot incident of 09'. That was a doosey.

"Yes, I know. It's really hard to see friends fighting, but I'm just glad that none of you guys were there to see it." Mercedes said, the memory distasteful.

"I was right behind you in line." Artie said and I snickered as they ignored him and continued.

"Because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it. But, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer. And we've decided to heal our hearts with a song." Kurt finished and I roll my eyes.

"So, why are we here again?" I ask in annoyance. Sam smacks my hand with a small smile on his face. I mean this is obviously some ploy for the real people who have problems, cough cough... 'I am changing' starts playing and we're all forced to listen in. We all kind of get into the song and some people in the back even stand, cheering as they continue to sing. Spotlights fall of Rachel and Santana for a moment and my suspicions have been confirmed. I smirk and try and hide my laugh.

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