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Today was the day. Today was the day Jesse would 'bump into' Rachel and start his and Shelby's plan. I was nervous to say the least but I trust Jesse.

We all sat in the choir room, watching as Mr. Shue draw a terrible stick figure and the word hello. We eventually say it back and Rachel being Rachel said it the loudest.

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" He prompted.

Some of us replying as I myself didn't answer when Kurt blurted out.

"No, she's dead. This is her son." Causing everyone to feel slightly awkward as Mr. Shue stuttered an okay.

"Alexander graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, like to say "ahoy, ahoy" when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided "hello" was a more appropriate greeting."

He started talking about sectionals and how it didn't change anything. I agreed. We somehow managed to win sectionals but no one at McKinley seemed to care.

"We need a new... hello." He said as I zoned back into the conversation.

"Here's your assignment for the week. Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have "hello" in the song title, all right?" Some of us were excited and to be honest I was always excited when we got a new assignment; some were less enthused. The bell rang and we all went off to class.

I watched as Finn sang his hello song to the glee club and he looked extremely confident. Singing hello over and over again as the song was over, I watched as Santana flirtatiously waved at him causing me to roll my eyes. Seems his got his mojo back and as his friend I was happy for him.

"I need my baby." Finn sang as walked up to Tina and I. He sent a wink my way; I laughed and looked around to see Kurt... looking some way, and Rachel smiling proud at her- boyfriend? Are they even dating?

Mr.Shue clapped along with all of us.

"And that, fellow glee clubbers, is how we say hello." Rachel boasted. The bell once again ringing as she immediately ran over to Mr.Shue. I didn't understand how this plan was going to work if her and Finn were in fact dating. I walked out with Quinn peering over at Santana and Brittany suspiciously. I knew Santana well enough to know she was up to trouble and wherever Santana went, Brittany followed.

I walked up to Finn as you both watched Rachel walk away. I sighed turning to Finn.

"Finn, what are you doing?" I ask helplessly. He groaned putting his head in his hands.

"I don't know, okay? I don't know!" He exclaims and walks off down the opposite hall.

Now back in glee club I sit next to Rachel not only to make sure she's okay but to make sure she doesn't do something drastic.

"Mr.Schuester, I think I found a song that sums up my feelings perfectly." She finishes giving a dirty look to Finn.

"Rachel, don't." I warn. She ignores me and walks up to the front of the class. 'Gives you hell' starts playing and I mentally groan. Rachel starts singing looking at Finn.

Now, where's your picket fence, love?

And where's that shiny car? And did it ever get you far?

She sung as she walked circles around him.

And truth be told, I miss you

And truth be told, I'm lying

She sung to Artie and to an embarrassed Kurt causing me to laugh. You could tell everyone was getting into the song. Everyone started singing as the chorus started

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now