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I sat in class with Santana and listen to Sue day who was nominated for prom king and queen.

"Good morning McKinley High! First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lackluster cracked barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now it's time to announce this years senior prom court nominees. Your choices for prom king are... Rick 'the stick' Nelson, president Brittany S. Pierce, and also Finn Hudson. And now on to the category we all really care about: prom queen. Missy Gunderson, Santana Lopez, and Quinn Fabray as our previous elected candidate Danielle Morgan dropped out of the race. Congratulations to all our nominees... Becky, Becky, Becky, that's an antique!" We hear over the speakers. The bell rings not that long after and we all head into glee club.

"Okay! A big congrats to all our prom nominees! And a congrats to our nominee drop out!" Mr. Shue adds looking at me. We clap for everyone.

"Why did you drop out?" Tina asks. I shrug.

"I could've been a nominee last year and I dropped out because I didn't want to be prom queen. I dropped out this year for the same reason." I said simply.

"But, hey, listen up. We are all winners, because principal Figgins asked new directions to sing again this year! Come on!" We all cheered and clapped, excitedly.

"All right. Brittany has an announcement." Mr. Shue says and moves out of Brittany's way.

"Hello, my fellow Americans. The theme for this years prom will be... dinosaurs." Brittany announces. No one moves.

"Sheer genius." Santana mutters.

"Thanks. I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cave woman. The refreshments will be berries, meat, and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Santana, Danielle, and Quinn to count the ballots" Brittany announces.

"What? That makes no sense!" Kurt shrieks.

"Shut it, Richard Simmons. Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me. Dani's the only one we both trust. Plus she'll keep us in check."

"You know, it's actually not a bad idea." Mercedes says. I smirk in victory.

"And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom." Brittany finishes. Blaine starts laughing.

"Right." He scoffs.

"I'm actually not joking. Hair gel was not invented until almost 30 million years after the upper Paleolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door. I hereby decree this to be the best prom ever." Brittany explains in depth.

"Okay." Mr. Shue stutters.

"Let's start thinking of... dinosaur songs." Mr. Shue says as we all try and clap.

Artie and I walk down the halls and I stop to change my books.

"We're going to prom together right?" Artie asks.

"I sure hope so." I say. I've already gotten my dress.

"I'm serious." He says. I close my locker and look down at him. I kneel down to his height.

"What's this about?" I ask him seriously. He shrugs.

"Well we don't have much time left so I didn't know if you would want to go with me or if were distancing ourselves from each other so it won't hurt as much when the day comes." Artie admits. I grab his hand.

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