Hold Onto Sixteen

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Rachel, Finn, and I travel to get Sam to come back to McKinley to help us win sectionals.

"Wait. This can't be the right place. Sam works in a bar?" Finn asks.

"Well, there just aren't a lot of theatre's in northern Kentucky, so theatre groups just have to perform in whatever space they can find." Rachel reasons.

"There's a lot of ladies here- like older ladies." Finn says.

"Just Noah's type." I mutter under my breath.

"Finn, it's no secret that dinner theatre appeals to elderly woman." Rachel says.

"Good afternoon, ladies! Are you ready to meet the men of stallions? Then please welcome- cobra!"

Rachel looks just as excited as the woman and party rock starts playing and I realize this is not dinner theatre. I start laughing but cover my mouth so they don't hear me.

"I didn't know backdraft was a musical." Finn says smiling. Rachel's mouth drops and she realizes it too.

"Someone get the door cause here comes Mr. Package!"

"Oh, god, no." Rachel mutters.

"This is definitely appealing to elderly woman. I just don't think it's dinner theatre." I laugh. Finn finally realizes.

"And ladies, let's give a warm welcome to white chocolate."

The announcer guy says and out steps Sam.

"I have to go up there." I tell them.

"That's not an image I can ever get out of my mind." Finn says.

"Give me a dollar." Rachel orders.

"I have many dollars but I'm not gonna give any of them to you." I tell her and start walking up.

"What?" Finn asks.

"Just give me a dollar." Rachel says and Finn does. We walk up there together.

"Rach-Rachel? Dani?!" Sam says shocked. I smirk.

"Hey white chocolate." I say.

Sam leads us to the back to talk.

"I tried to get a real job. DQ was great and I got two free blizzards a day, but it paid just over minimum wage. Thanks." Sam says after Finn got him food from the buffet.

"You know how much I made this afternoon? Sixty bucks. Sixty-one... in fifteen minutes. Am I shamed I work here? Yeah, I'm ashamed. My dad got a job working construction to pay the rent, but when my brother needs a new pair of shoes or the tv busts, these abs pay for it." Sam explains.

"Your parents don't know that you work here?" Finn asks.

"No, they just think the DQ pays really well. Im good at this." Sam says.

"You're good at it because you have that boy-next-door innocence that makes you approachable, Okay? You're good at it for all the reasons that you shouldn't be doing it." Rachel says uncomfortable.

"Come back to McKinley, Sam. We need you for sectionals. Tell me you don't want it. Dude, your young, you got so much potential. Working here, is, like, throwing your life away." Finn tries to convince him.

"Okay, I want it... but my dad will never let me." Sam explains.

"Don't know till you ask." Finn reasons with him.

Sam takes us to his house.

"Dad, mom, what I'm trying to say is I want to go back to Ohio with them. They need me to compete at sectionals this weekend." Sam explains deeper.

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