New York

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We get to New York. We sit in time square, which Is filled with lights and boards above movies and shows and I am completely breathless. I can't even focus on my hot dog that I got from the street bender. I just keep taking everything in.

"A year and a half ago, the new directions were nothing but a group of seven misfits, stumbling their way through a horrific rendition of sit down your rocking the boat. Now here we are, at the top of the show choir heap: nationals!" Kurt said, clearly as excited as I am.

"I want to hit up central park, get my frolic on." Tina said.

"I want to throw stuff off the Brooklyn bridge." Noah added.

"Guys, hold on. I mean, we still have two songs to write." Finn reminded.

"Okay, Mr. Bossypants. But I think we might have some time for a time before we leave." Kurt said.

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today

We all start to sing with Kurt... in the middle of time square!

I want to be apart of it
New York, New York

"Guys, I have news." Rachel interrupts our purposely bad singing.

"To celebrate our impending win at nationals, I got us all fourteen tickets to broadways longest-running show ever, cats." Rachel announces. Brittany cheers and Kurt is absolutely speechless while I want to laugh my ass off.

"Sure you did Rachel." I scoff. It seemed Quinn understood as well.

"You might want to check the dates on those tickets, Rachel, because cats closed about eleven years ago." Quinn informed her. Rachel checked the tickets with a frown.

"He did seem crazy. Charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt-crack." Rachel said with a nervous smile.

We soon all walked back to our hotel so we could officially check in. Mercedes, Tina, Quinn, And myself walked through the lobby together.

"Oh. Did you know that New York City was built right on top of old New York City?" Mercedes asks.

"I'm pretty sure that's not true." Tina says.

"... I'm definitely sure it's not true." I correct.

"Oh, I'm just pretty." Mercedes says simply.

We all walk into one of our hotel rooms to start writing our two songs.

"Do you know I can get ahi tartare and a steak sandwich at three in the morning from their all night dining menu? I feel like Eloise!" Kurt asks the room.

"I have pills for that." Brittany says.

"All right guys, this is your time. Now, you're all on lockdown till you finish writing our songs for nationals. I want at least two solid verses by the time I get back." Mr. Shue instructs.

"Aren't you gonna help us?" Tina asks.

"I um, I will be back and read your amazing creations and give notes, but right now, I have to head to the theatre to, uh, fill out some paperwork." Mr. Shue explains.

We start writing and a good half an hour later Brittany and Artie say they have something. Noah picks up his guitar.

I got you in the palm of my hand
Wanna put somethin' hot in you
So hot that you can't stand
(And you can't stand)
Gonna take you to my lips
Empty out every last drop
So thirsty for what's in you, baby
That I can't stop
(That I can't stop)
In the middle of the night, I'm in bed alone
Don't care if you're glass, paper, Styrofoam
When I need some water, baby or gin
You're the only thing I wanna put them in
My cup, my cup
I'm sayin' what's up to my cup, my cup
More of a friend than a silly pup
My cup, you know what it is
I'm sayin' what's up to my cup, ahh
I'm sayin' what's up to my cup, ahh
I'm sayin' what's up to my cup, ahh

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