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The next day Santana, Rachel, and I go to the baby doctors. Santana and I, anxiously waiting for Rachel to come back out. When she does we put down our magazines and stand up.

"False alarm. Thank god. I'm so happy. I'm so glad this is all all over with." Rachel says. I sigh in relief. Rachel hugs each of us.

"Thank you guys for taking me here today. All right, I'm gonna go to class." Rachel says. I pick up my bag as well.

"Woah, hey. That's it? That's all you have to say about this?" Santana asks incredulously.

"Well, the doctor gave me the all-clear. What else is there?" Rachel asks.

"Rachel, you can't just blow past this like nothing ever happened. This is a wake-up call. This is an opportunity for you to take a hard look at the choices that you're making where your life is heading... Starting with donkey face." Santana finishes and I smile as it seems Rachel's seriously thinking about it.

The next morning Santana and I walk back into the apartment with breakfast. I wasn't really paying attention to anything since I have been texting Jesse all night.

"Well, well, Well, I see that donkey faces crap is still here. And if donkey faces crap is here, then that means that he must be as well." Santana comments making me look up form my phone to see Brody's crap literally everywhere. I grimace.

"Lay off of it, Santana, all right? I told you, he said that he got a job as a cater waiter on the side, and he was embarrassed about it so he kept it a secret." Rachel explained.

"What's embarrassing is that you would buy that excuse." I scoff.

"Why? I mean, if he can make that much cash slinging sweaty cold cuts and room temperature champagne then we should all apply there." Santana suggests and I nod in agreement. Half paying attention to the conversation and half texting Jesse.

"Hey, look, he's just trying to make it in New York the same way that you and I are. I don't understand why that is so hard for you to understand when you keep trying to bring him down." Rachel defends, aggravated.

"Because everything he does is suspicious and sketchy." I reason. Santana sighs and walks to the living room while I stay listening in the dining area.

"Look, at this point it's less about him then it is about you. I went to school with Rachel Berry. Not the soggy mess of a woman that stands before me today, going back and forth between your flop high school ex and that terrifying 'waiter with a pager'. You need to stop and focus, Berry." Santana explains to her and Rachel scoffs.

"I think you're wrong about him." Rachel says. I shake my head no.

"My psychic Mexican third eye is never wrong. Am I wrong about you?" Santana asks, walking off while Rachel leaves the apartment. My own 'sixth sense' tingles and I head to the bathroom to see Santana sneaking around trying to find his pager. She does and turns around to silently hold her hand over her heart, surprised. She rushes out of the bathroom and pulls me with her.

Later that day I meet up with Santana in between my classes, both of us dressed in black get-ups. We watch Brody assist a different dance class.

"This is not gonna cut it with Cassie, Okay? Let's do it from the top." Brody instructs.

"Just don't get too close, girls. Unless your immune to the herps." Santana says, we both smirk.

"Take five." He tells them.

"How did you get in here?" Brody asks. I slightly raise my hand.

"Don't apply logic to Lopez. And if what I just saw is any indication, I can get in here any time I want. I've got moves tour mannequin ass couldn't handle." Santana says as we walk into the room.

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