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Mercedes and I were talking about about Coach and Mercedes uniform when Mr. Shue sat down on the stool to tell us something and I went back to my seat next to Finn.

"Um, all right, I have one final announcement before we all leave. We can't use the auditorium for the next week."

"But that's garbage! How are we suppose to practice for regionals without the auditorium?" Finn spoke up as everyone was upset. I was a cheerio so I couldn't really say anything.

"The Cheerios need it to practice in. There's nothing I can do." Mr. Shue said sighing. Of course Rachel had to talk.

"I recommend a sit-in." Rachel's naturally loud voice rang out.

"I recommend we torch the place." Said Noah or 'Puck' as everyone usually called him surprisingly spoke up.

"No. Look, we've all faced adversity before, and we've come out stronger on the other end. I'm going to check out a few off-site locations for us to use, just for the week. I promise I'll find us a new home." Mr. Shue finished as the bell rang and we all started to walk out.

"Have a good day, guys." He said. I wasn't paying attention as I walked out with Santana and Brittney to head to lunch.

"I'm pretty sure my cats been reading my diary." Brittney complained as we walked in line. I bit my tongue not to go off on her. How Santana managed to ignore her comments I will never know.

"Hey, guys. Can I ask you something?" Mercedes asked as she walked over to us. She look at me then to Santana and Brit as I was in front of them.

"How do you manage to stay so skinny?" She asked. I felt a pang in my chest. Mercedes was perfect the way she was and Coach had no right to make her loose weight. We all held up our water bottles and I rolled my eyes as Santana explained.

"The Sue Sylvester master cleanse." Santana said as if selling it on midnight television.

"Sometimes I add a teaspoon of sand." Brittney added.

"That can't be healthy." Mercedes looked worried and I was too to be honest.

"Who cares?" Voiced Santana.

"You can either feel terrible and look great, or get kicked off the team when that reporter gets here." I said sullenly and we watched as Mercedes walked away from her small lunch and we drank our disgusting drinks.

I stepped on the scale after Becky and dropped the fucks I give. I didn't care if I gained or lost.

"Good job Miss. Danielle Morgan, you lost two pounds this week. I'm proud of ya!" She smiled.

"Thanks coach." I said trying to be polite as possible. As I headed out of her office I gave Mercedes a thumbs up and a hopeful smile. Her smile mirrored mine as she walked up to the scale. I left hoping she had lost what she was had too, for her sake.

Now in the choir room I looked over at Tina from over Arties chair who looked confused after Mr.Shue had announced our new 'home'

"A roller rink?!" She asked.

"Weren't those outlawed in like 1981, for being totally lame?" Santana sassed.

"Oh, come on, guys, where's your sense of adventure?" Mr. Shue asked as always trying to be optimistic.

"Mr. Shue, if I may?" Kurt asks going up to the front.

"New directions is clearly a club with a dearth of direction. Rachel and Jesse refuse to accept that all of us would rather die before we allow them to become the next Béyonce and Jay-z." I roll my eyes and glare over at them, slightly bitter but I grin as Jesse gives no reaction while Rachel smiles.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now