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Kurt had gotten into NYADA and it was amazing not being the only one to deal with Rachel all day long. Kurt had lived in this part-time bubble world where he could still tolerate Rachel while I lived in the 24 hour world where I never got a break from her. We were now in our open sing class, Kurt and I were leaning against the wall and Rachel had not stopped screeching since the bell rang.

Rachel was becoming the most aggravating person on the planet. Ever since she won the winter show case her ego and attitude and been even more annoying and over the top then usual. She's using all the hot water, she's barley talking at home, claiming she's 'saving her voice', and don't even get me started her 'admirers'.... God, I might have to beat her ass.

The next morning Kurt and I are woken up by Rachels incessant vocal exercises. We meet walking out of our rooms and give each other an annoyed look.

"Rachel, I swear to god if you don't stop, I will shove your extensions, down your throat!" I shout. She sees Kurt and I walk in.

"Oh, hey, you're awake." She says smiling.

"An hour before my alarm clock." Kurt grumbles.

"Oh, when you're in there, can you make me a little tea, please, with some honey and lemon? You know, it's really good for my throat." Rachel asks. Kurt slams the kettle on the stove.

"Sure, I'll just run down to the store and get you some." Kurt shouts.

"I'm sure there's some in the cupboard, geez." I mutter.

"I'll take that as a no. An incredibly rude no that deserves an explanation." Rachel sasses, storming over to us while I look for something to eat.

"Okay, Rachel, truth time. You have been a nightmare ever since the winter showcase." Kurt starts.

"A nightmare before Christmas and after Christmas." I muse, laughing at my own joke... because it was the winter show case! Rachel scoffed, at what? I don't know.

"I knew it- it was only a matter of time before you guys became jealous of all my success. And just when we were all getting inseparable." Rachel argues, walking off through the apartment. I stifle a laugh.

"I didn't really have an option to be separable." I say, mostly to myself.

"Oh- we became close because you became tolerable." I interrupted Kurt.

"Debatable." I say.

"But now you've got that weird naked boyfriend and that weird legion of sycophants. Now you are like, you're like an annoying, self-righteous Lima Rachel on steroids." Kurt yells, practically in her face while I just stand by the fridge.

"You know what? Let me give you a little bit of the truth, Kurt. Okay, the only reason why Carmen Tibideaux even let you sing at the winter showcase was because she knew that you and I were friends." Rachel 'explains'.

"What about me? I sang too." I muttered, moving to sit at the table to watch this train wreck, with a warm coffee in my hand.

"You might have won the showcase, but my performance was the one that everyone was talking about because I. blew. you. away. And I can do it again. Midnight madness- you and me, head-to-head." Kurt challenged.

"Ooh, Kitty fight." I smirked and immediately wanted Santana to come back and watch this with me. I miss having her around. I watched Rachel crush a piece of foil.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, babe." Rachel whispered.

"Oh, why not?" Kurt asks, whispering quieter.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now