Loser Like Me

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A lots happened since the wedding... Rachel's show completely flopped. She went into seclusion and eventually left to fly back home; at least that's what I heard from Blaine. I haven't been able to talk to her in months, Kurt and Blaine broke up, I moved into Jesses apartment, Blaine got cut from NYADA, and Mr. Shue took Jesses old job. Everything except my love life is a complete mess.

I've been spending a lot of time with Kurt and we are both extremely excited for year three of NYADA. We're all required to do something outside of the school that has something to do with our future professions or something in the arts. Kurt's decided that he's going to direct a play he wrote at the nursing home since Peter Pan had went so well but I haven't decided what I want to do. We're encouraged to leave New York and I want to go above and beyond here... Jesse and I have spent blissful months finally together in New York and it sucks I'm probably going to leave for awhile but we always make long distance work.

I walk into my old apartment to see Kurt with a few bags packed. He freezes upon seeing me.

"Are you leaving me too?" I scoff. Kurt's eyes widen. He holds his hands up.

"I'm going to see Rachel, and before you stop me i want to remind you that not only did she shatter her education but also her broadway career and her television career. She's probably sad and depressed and I want to see her because, if you've forgotten, we haven't seen her in months! So don't stop me." He finishes his rambling. I don't show any emotion of my face while I walk up to Kurt who looks increasingly terrified with every step I take. I stop in front of him and grab one of his suite cases.

"Let's go." I murmur. He gives me a nervous smile and we walk out of the apartment. Jesse ends up flying with us as he 'doesn't want to leave me yet'.

We get back to Ohio and Jesse and I drop everything off at my moms and Kurt's things at his place. Jesse then drops Kurt and I off at Rachel's house. Her father isn't surprised to see us but rather smiles softly and welcomes us in. We walk straight to her room and sit on her bed.

She eventually walks in and stops, frozen in shock upon seeing us.

"Hey, Rachel." Kurt says softly.

"Long time no see." I say monotonous. Kurt starts crying and the two of us hug him. After Kurt stops crying we all get comfortable on the bed and talk. Kurt hadn't explained much to me either.

"I showed up. Six months ago, you said that we would all meet at the spot outside the loft, 'cause no matter what, our friendships were the most important thing." Kurt said.

"I showed up to." I say quietly.

"Well, we were the only ones to show up. And you were clearly in the midst of a nervous breakdown. And... well, Blaine... well, i-i blew it. I blew the best thing that ever happened to me." Kurt sulks.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're lonely? I mean, New York must feel pretty empty without all of us there." Rachel reasons.

"No. Blains the love of my life. I started seeing this therapist who said that I have this thing with love. You know, men fight as a way to stay connected, but Blaine wasn't like that. He wasn't afraid of intimacy. H-has he said anything?" Kurt explains, asking the both of us.

"He's just told me everything... and vented. Mostly in the beginning though." I say softly... I shouldn't tell him about Dave. He's already in peril.

"H-he seems to be in a good place about it." Rachel says vaguely. It seems she feels the same way unless she doesn't know.

"Well, that's great. Well, m-maybe I can fix it. Do you think you can arrange a meeting between he and I I-in a neutral place somewhere here in Lima?" Kurt asks us. I hesitate. I honestly done know what to say.

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