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I stand in the living room with all my bags packed.

"Are you guys seriously not going? We all made a promise to each other." I reminded them. They just lounged around. Rachel shrugged.

"We aren't going." Rachel says.

"We can't go." Kurt adds. I roll my eyes.

"You guys suck." I yell, walking out the door. I ride the plane alone. After the flight I once again run over to hug Jesse.

"See? It wasn't that long of a wait." He says in my ear.

"It was too long." I argue. He laughs and picks up my bags, dropping them off at my moms. He drops me me off at McKinley and waiting in front of the auditorium doors. I gasp.

"Quinn Fabray." I say clearly. She turns towards me with a shocked smile on her face. We run over to each other and hug tightly.

"Nervous?" I ask, motioning to the doors. She smiles sheepishly.

"A little." She admits. I roll my eyes and drag her arm.

"Come on, you baby. I'll hold you hand." I mock her. She smiles and we walk on to the stage. I push her forward.

"Go on. Sing." I tell her.

I'm sitting in a railway station

Quinn sings hesitantly, I finish for her.

Got a ticket for my destination
Oh, oh

On a tour of one-night stands
My suitcase and guitar in hand

We both smile at each other and then at him. We all grab each other's hands.

Puck, Me and Quinn:
And every stop is neatly planned
For a poet and a one-man band

Mike And Santana enter and Santana waves so we wave back, Noah, busy playing guitar.

Mike (and Santana):
This wave (Santana: Wave)
(Is stringing us along) (Santana: Along)

Mike with Santana:
Just know you're not alone

Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Everyday's an endless stream
Of cigarettes and magazines
Oh, oh

We watch them walk through the auditorium... We all notice Mercedes and she joins in.

Mercedes with Santana:
And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Finn with Alumni (Mercedes):
The trouble, it might drag you down (Ooh)

I watch with a smile as Quinn runs to give Finn a hug... Noah and I walk over to Finn and I hug him.

Finn with Alumni:
If you get lost, you can always be found

Finn and Me (Mercedes):
Just know you're not alone (Know you're not alone)

Puck, Me and Quinn:
Cause I'm going to make this place your home

Finn and Santana (Mercedes):
Just know you're not alone (Know you're not alone)

Puck and Quinn (with Santana and Alumni):
Cause I'm gonna (make this place your home)

Alumni (Mercedes):
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah (Know you're not alone) (Santana: Where my music's playing)

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now