Summer Lovin'

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It had been two months since graduation and I still hadn't heard anything from NYADA. I was beginning to lose hope and you could tell. I barley got out of bed, I ate way more than I should've, I slept a lot more than what's healthy and I didn't talk to anyone.

Besides my dreams dying I also had another thing to think about... Noah. I kept thinking about our kiss and if it meant anything. Before Jesse my feelings for him were always there and burning but I never did anything about it because he's my best friend and I didn't want to ruin anything. Oh god, did I ruin our friendship? No... that's ridiculous. The kiss was just to see what it was like to kiss each other and no matter how good it felt, we're better off as friends.

I'm positive. I love Noah and maybe in another life we could've had the greatest kind of love but I had met two someone's who I actually had that great love with; and so did he. I'm still rooting for him and Quinn.

Suddenly my mother busted through my door.

"Danielle Morgan, get out of bed." She shouted. I groaned and covered my head with my blanket.

"Do not make me tell you again." She warned.

"I don't want to..." I groan, keeping the blanket to protect me. She yanks it off.

"Do something Danielle. Take a drive, get some food, see a movie. Do anything! And I don't want you coming back for at least and hour!" She yells and storms out of my room. I groan, getting up to put on some sweats and a pullover. I yawn, walking down the stairs and decide to get coffee.

"Dani!" My little sister Talia runs over to hug my legs. I push her away by her head.

"Not now." I grumble and like a zombie, walk out the door. I check my phone and start answering all the texts and notifications from my friends but put my phone down as I am a safe driver. If Quinn taught me anything, it was to not text and drive.

I eventually make my way into Lima Bean and ordered a coffee. I wait for it patiently when someone speaks to me.

"Dani?" A voice asks. I freeze and immediately list every possible way I look like crap right now. My face, my hair, my cloths, my smell, the stains on my cloths, my bad breath, etc. He can not be here right now. I hear him chuckle.

"I know it's you." He says, from right behind me. I grab my coffee and turn around to face my college flunked boyfriend, Jesse st. James. I smile.

"Hi, Jesse." I say. Without answering he leans forward, stopping very close to me.

"Thanks." He says and leans back with a coffee in his hand. I instantly relax.

"Hey, Dani... It seems we were meant to have coffee after all." Jesse says with a smirk, referring to asking me to coffee at the nationals competition. I laugh.

"Guess so..." I trails off. Jesse motions forward.

"Ladies first." He says. I walk forward, a mess, with my head held high. I lead us too a two seated table and sit down, Jesse across from me.

"So Dani, how have you been? How's Artie?" Jesse asks politely. But I know otherwise. He's asking if we're still together. I smirk.

"I'm alright I guess and I wouldn't know how Artie is." I say going to sip my steaming coffee.

"And why's that?" Jesse asks with interest. I purse my lips, eyeing the cup.

"We broke up... Him being a junior and all (I see Jesse starting to smirk). You know, kind of like our situation." I finish and his smirk instantly drops. He clears his throat and takes a sip of his own drink.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." He says and I nod. We go silent for a few moments before Jesse speaks up.

"What's not alright?" Jesse asks. I want to smile seeing the underlying worry behind his eyes but I suppress it.

"I got wait listed for NYADA and I'm not sure if I'll ever get in." I admit. Jesse nods, going deep into thought. He suddenly looks up at me.

"You'll get in. You just have to have patience. I know you belong there Dani." He says encouragingly. I smile, nodding, and possibly starting to believe it too. We talk for a few hours... about important things, and about things that aren't. Random things when I realize how late it had actually gotten.

"Well, uh, I should get going." I say, standing up to throw my now empty cup away. Jesse follows me, throwing his away too. We make our way out of the shop.

"I had a great time, Dani." Jesse says, holding the door for me. I smile.

"Thank you, and so did i." I say, feeling the tension that is so thick you couldn't even cut it with a knife. Suddenly Jesse turns around to step in front of me and smashes his lips against mine. I don't resist but rather kiss him back. We start moving backwards and before I can wonder where, my back hits the brick wall of the Lima Bean. I grab his face, hoping to somehow pull him closer as he grabs my hips tightly.

"Please, Dani. Give me another chance." He breaths out, slightly out of breath. I look at him. Every inch of his face and I smile. I lean up and kiss him softly.

"Of course." I smile. He smiles ear to ear and hugs me, spinning me around in front of the Lima Bean.

"You won't regret it!" He shouts. I laugh and look down at him. We've both changed and grown and after all this time I truly think he deserves a second chance. I still love him and I will always love him. So what's the harm in trying to make this work?

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now