Original song

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The next week at glee club I get in right as the bell rings and beeline towards the seat next to Artie.

"Guys, I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on 'sing' by my chemical romance for regionals? Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it." Mr. Shue sighs in defeat.

"It was the perfect anthem." Noah says dejected.

"How much do you want to bet Coach Sylvester has something to do with this?" Mercedes asks.

"One step ahead of you." Mr. Shue starts as he explains that Sue did do it.

"So what are we going to do now?" Mercedes asks.

"I think we should write original songs for regionals." Rachel suggests. I scoff at her.

"Oh yeah, because you've been doing so well at that." I laugh saying it vehemently to her. Santana listens to me.

"All those in favor of voting Rachel down a second time?" Santana asks. Almost everybody raises their hands.

"No. I think Rachel is right." Quinn defends her.

"This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different." Quinn continues.

"That's true, but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs we're not going to be so good." Mercedes addresses.

"You're right. We're not going to be as good. We're going to be better, we won't be using other people's words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented song writer in our midst. Rachel. I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together." Quinn finishes seemingly to have convinced everyone. Her speech was encouraging but also made me want to cringe at the same time.

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel. I mean, if these two can agree on something, it's probably an idea worth considering." Finn says.

"Wait, Wait. So suddenly, you two are writing the music for regionals? No way. I think that everyone should get a chance to write a song." Santana says.

"Santana's right. We can do this." Sam supports.

"What do you think Mr. Shue?" Mercedes asks.

"I think we're doing original songs for regionals." Mr. Shue says. I sigh and lean back in my chair.

The next day in glee club we all sit closer together then usual in the choir room. I place myself between Santana and Mercedes.

"All right, guys. Let's hear it for our first songwriting seminar." Mr. Shue says hyping us up enough to cheer and clap. He starts handing us all a book.

"While Quinn and Rachel are hard at work, we're gonna try and write an anthem of our own. Now these rhyming dictionaries for all of you.

"Mr. Shue. Danielle and I have already been working on a song that I wrote." Santana announces.

"Really? That's amazing. Well, can we hear it?" Mr. Shue asks. Santana nods and I head to the piano while Santana stands in front of it to start singing.

"This is a song that I wrote for Sam. It's called 'trouty mouth'." She says.

"Wait, what's it called?" He asks. I laugh and start playing.

Guppy face
Trouty mouth
Is that how people's lips look
Where you come from in the South?
Grouper mouth
Froggy lips
I love suckin' on
Those salamander lips
Wanna put a fish hook
In those lips so cherry-red
If you tried hard enough
You could suck a baby's head
Oh yeah

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