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School had started again and after weeks of crying over Jesse I was ready to get back into glee club. I don't think I was ready for dating but I would enjoy the time spent with my friends. Suddenly Jacob ran up to me with his camera.

"Here with have Danielle Morgan, just another one of the glee clubs weak links." Jacob introduces me oh so kindly. I glare harshly at him.

"Watch who your talking too you frizzy haired, buck toothed twerp." I hissed. Jacob had visibly shrunken into himself until he all too soon regained confidence.

"There's rumors floating around that not only did you Jesse st. James date, but he dumped you over the summer. Care to comment." Not only was Jacobs voice making my ears bleed but I was extremely uncomfortable. No one was suppose to know about us. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

"No comment." I muttered. I started to walk away but he relentlessly followed.

"Why? Is it because what I'm saying is the truth? That you dated your joke of a clubs rival?!" Jacob pressed. I instantly grabbed his collar and jerked him and his mic mere inches from my eyes. I could see the fear swirling in Jacobs eyes and for a moment I relished in it. I turned my head to look in the camera.

"No. Comment." I let go of Jacobs collar and effectively pushed him away. Maybe loosing Jesse had more of an effect on me then I cared to admit. Shaking my head of all things deemed bad I walked down the hall and into the choir room. I plopped down next to Santana and Kurt. Mr. Shue walked up to the front of class as the bell rang.

"These are comments from Jacob Ben Israel's most recent glee club blog. 'Glee is a giant ball of suck.'" He started off.

"We get it Mr. Shue, everyone still hates us. So what? So we're plankton in the high school food chain. Only difference now is that none of us really care." Kurt laughs despite himself.

"Kurt's right. We're a family. They can bring it all they want. None of it is gonna break us." Mercedes chimes in.

"I'm really happy that you guys have bonded. The problem is that all this negative stuff... Is keeping other students from auditioning." Mr. Shue sighed.

"Good. Why do we need new members?" Tina scoffed.

"Well, since Matt transferred, we only have eleven members. If we want to go to nationals- if we want to beat vocal adrenaline- we have to go from a small rebel force to a giant wall of sound." Mr. Shue presses.

"Yeah. Mr. Schuesters right you guys. You didn't see vocal adrenaline at regionals. They were epic. We're gonna need more voices in order to beat them." Rachel supports.

"Yeah. I'm with Rachel on this one." Finn goes to stand next to her.

"Gross." Brittney says.

"You're gonna have to trust me on this guys. Now, here's the plan. Nationals are in New York this year, and we are going! [chuckling] Now let's go out there and show the school how cool we can be. How cool we can be. If there not gonna come to us, let's go to them. They say we only sing show tunes and eighties pop. Let's show them how down we are. Let's give em' the song of the year, new directions style." Mr. Shue hypes us all up.

We get dressed and quickly go out to the outside cafeteria. Rachel hits play on a beat box causing 'Empire State of mind' to start playing from it. Most of us vocalizing in the back round I run behind Arties chair and start to push him as he sings.

Yea, yea I'm out that Brooklyn, now I'm down in Tribeca
Right next to DeNiro, but I'll be hood forever
I'm the new Sinatra, and, since I made it here
I can make it anywhere, yea, they love me everywhere

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