Danielle Morgan

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Danielle Morgan is a 15-26 year old mixed female. She is straight. Her birthday is April 21st. She has dark brown, Frizzy hair and light brown eyes. She isn't fat and she isn't skinny; she's thick.

Danielle Morgan grew up in Lima heights adjacent. She's extremely close with the Lopez family and is fluent in Spanish. She's so close to their heritage that Santana claims that like her, Dani has a Mexican third eye, sixth sense type of thing. Dani lives alone with her mother and her little sister Talia. She doesn't really talk about or to her father but you understand how disconnected they are when Finn was planning on walking her down the aisle but instead was replaced by their best friend and her other best friends father. A father-figure to her as well as Finn who also didn't know his father.

No one knows if she ever committed these crimes but it's pointed to the fact that Dani's been to jail, had broken and entered a building, has tasted gas which is affiliated with certain crimes, she can lock pick, She knows how to turn security cameras off, she knows about scams, and probably others that I can't remember at this moment.

In the beginning of the book she was more shy and possibly a little bit more nice to everybody. Except when it came to Rachel and Jesse.

Then when her and Jesse broke up it kind of turned her into a rage monster after she spent a long time being sad and depressed and was a little bit like that despite being a rage monster and she still became what I think is a lot more mean and angry and irritable.

Then when she started dating Artie I think it possibly softened her a little bit but this was who she was now and Artie loved her for her. Now when they broke up it was kind of hard on her because she truly loved him and it was sad for her to let go of him being as he made her love again.

When she got back together with Jesse yes it was passionate but at first it was also really weird till she got more comfortable and it was still a little uncomfortable even after she finally went to New York and they went long distance which also kind of added to the fact that she could still be irritable but not having Santana around also calmed down the rage part of her. They hyped each other up when it came to insulting people and they returned to their duo when Santana lived with them in NYC.

During the end of the book when Jesse was around more and especially after their wedding Dani kind of softened up a lot I think and really only said smart ass comments or comebacks but she didn't really insult people as much. She had matured and she honestly loved the 3rd gen of glee kids...

This is how I would describe her relationships with the glee people:

Rachel: most of the time Dani hates Rachel. She things she's stuck up, annoying and her ego is too big. There are moments where she'll admit to loving Rachel and wanting to help her and she can only handle Rachel in NYC bc Kurt is there.

Kurt: they've been friends since the beginning of glee club and she has always loved and wanted to be there for Kurt. Dani knew hardships in life and hated that Kurt went through so many. There were times where Kurt annoyed her but that didn't stop her from loving him just as much.

Mercedes: she's also been friends which Mercedes since the beginning and she always loved Mercedes but hated how annoying and whines she could be. She basically disliked every way Mercedes would act like Rachel bc she had had enough of that. But Dani always tried to support Mercedes as they were the only black/ or partially girls originally in glee.

Tina: in the beginning of the book Dani had a pretty decent relationship with Tina. They were friends but didn't hang out much outside of glee and all. Further along Dani's dislike for Tina grew as Tina grew more annoying and bitchy and eventually Dani could barley tolerate Tina. At least until they had all matured.

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