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We sing for our neighbors friend who got attacked just for loving another man...

The next night we're all in the apartment for the annual Monday night dinners. I sit in the dining room area and watch Mercedes cook as Sam walks in. Everyone else is here.

"Oh, gosh, I'm so excited that we're all together for our weekly potluck dinner." Rachel says happily as she hugs Sam.

"Well it is only week number two. The tradition will be falling apart in no time." Artie says as he wheels over to me.

"Hey, um, who's this?" Mercedes asks, holding up a picture of Russ.

"That was our, um, neighbors friend. He got beat up last week." Rachel explains.

"That's a nice way of saying he was gay-bashed." Kurt grumbles, walking out of his room.

"Apparently he was just walking down bleecker street and these guys jumped out of a pickup truck and just decided to beat him up. He's lucky to be alive." Blaine says following as he's the only one who hasn't sat down yet.

"It's so depressing. Like, hate crimes in America keep decreasing, but in New York they're actually increasing." Artie says sadly.

"Yeah, why?" Mercedes asks.

"Well, a few ignorant idiots just hate the idea that we're finally being accepted. They hate the fact that we're marrying. They hate the fact that we're moving into neighborhoods that are supposedly 'straight' so they lash out by trying to kill us." Blaine explains.

"That's completely disgusting... people are assholes." I grumble.

"Okay, well, let's change the subject before we all get so bummed we can't eat." Kurt suggests.

"Yes, please." Rachel says quietly.

"Well, NYADA midwinter critiques are upon us and our fearless leader, madame Tibideaux, has tightened her turban and given us the ultimate musical theatre challenge." Kurt changes the subject.

"Soundheim!" We all shout together.

"Oh, my god, it's amazing. But how are we gonna pick? It's so hard." Rachel complains.

"We have to do a duet." Blain suggests.

"Hold the phone. Are you two playing footsie?" Artie asks Mercedes and Sam. I smirk while Mercedes clears her throat.

"No. I have that, uh, restless leg syndrome. I just, forgot to take my iron pills." Mercedes corrects him. I laugh shortly.

"That's not the only thing that's restless, is it?" I smirk. Mercedes kicks my leg harshly and I bend over, grasping it in pain. She gives me a sickly sweet smile.

"Sorry. Seems it acted up again." Mercedes smiles. I give her a tight smile back and we continue the conversation.

The next day at school I sit next to Kurt as Rachel and Blaine sing 'broadway baby'. Rachel sitting on my precious piano. I watch as they walk throughout the round room and between the people in the room. They continuously sing, looking right at Tibideaux and that just seems weird to me. Don't ask, I wouldn't be able to answer. We clap and cheer as they finish... Tibideaux doesn't look happy.

"Excellent performance. Or it would've been, had the assignment been a duet. Apparently, you both feel that you are above this class and all that governs it." Madame Tibideaux challenges, accusing them of such things.

"No, not-not at all, madame Tibideaux..." Rachel tries.

"I'm flunking you both. Next! Wait. It was a good performance, so I'm going to give you the opportunity to give me what I asked for originally. I want you to do it as individuals. Reschedule this week, it's fine." Tibideaux reasons. Rachel looks alarmed.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now