Girls (and boys) on Film

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Snow had started to fall in New York. I've always loved winter.

"Yes! It's finally snowing." I smile wide as Kurt and I stand by the window, watching the snow fall gently.

... Then it started to fall quicker and there was a lot more of it. Eventually the snow gets so bad that we're snowbound.

Santana and I stand by the window again as Kurt watches Adam make breakfast. They start imitating a play or something.

"Oh my god." I groan. Santana nods half-heartedly.

"No, you're doing it wrong, daisy." Kurt says.

"I can't do it 'cause I'm in love with William. I just can't." Adam replied. I'm really confused and really annoyed.

"Oh, do it again, do it again." Kurt begs as Santana I walk to the kitchen/dining room area.

"Welcome... to downtown Abbey." Adam says dramatically.

"So, where you from, doctor who?" Santana asks.

"Uh, England. Do you know Essex?" Adam asks in return.

"No, never heard of it." Santana replies quickly.

"I don't think anyone's heard of it." I add. I never really cared enough to ask about Adam before.

"Are you guys dating? Because at Mr. Shue's bomb of a wedding, you and Blaine, like..." Santana started. I had to stifle my laughs.

"Shut up, Santana. Rachel, Dani, and I are letting you live here rent-free. The least you could do is..." Kurt begins a rant but Santana interrupts him.

"Where is Rachel anyway? Giving that living mannequin a bikini wax?" Santana asks.

"Uh, Brody is working and Rachel is in the bathroom." Adam informs us.

"Well lets hope that she's embracing her inner bulimic because let me tell you, homegirl has been looking extremely pumpkin-like and not just 'cause of the tan in the can." Santana says.

"Okay, that's it! You're gonna have to move out because this is our sanctuary, and by ours, I mean mine, Dani's, and Kurt's, and frankly, you make me feel uncomfortable, and Brody says that you make him feel uncomfortable as well." Rachel rants, storming out of the bathroom.

"Girls, Girls, retract the claws, all right? NYADA cancelled all the classes because of the snow, so let's just cozy up to our little movie marathon. Santana, did you go through our DVD collection?" Kurt calms everyone down, asking Santana a question.

"I sure did. Uh, Knocked up. Hilarity. Rosemarys baby- that's obviously Lady Hummels. And uh, she's having a baby." Santana finishes and I send a smirk over to a nervous Rachel.

"I don't want to watch any of those." Rachel says with slight panic. Santana and I smile at her in an 'oh really?' Sense.

"Oh, really, Rachel? Not even She's having a baby? 'Cause you always cry at the end when Elizabeth McGovern has the baby." Kurt semi-whines out.

"I'm not in the mood, Okay? I'm not in the mood." Rachel says looking over at us as we kept that same look on our face.

"Okay, fine. Because I have made a selection that is perfect for being snowed-in in New York City. Moulin rouge, bitches. We love those dancin' hoes." Kurt mimicked the voice.

"Seriously?" Santana asked.

We all sit in the living room and start the movie. Around the middle of the movie a scene comes up and I watch closely as Kurt starts to cry because of it. Adam speaks up.

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