The New Rachel/ Britney 2.0

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Although I got into NYADA (I had gotten a call over the summer that someone had dropped out) I spent the summer with Kurt and plan on being a little late for classes for a few reasons. One: I'm incredibly nervous and what if I completely suck. And Two: manage to convince Kurt to move to New York with me. I love Rachel but I would not be able to handle her on my own... So now I'm sitting with Kurt and the remaining glee members so we can watch them audition for glee.

"Okay, let's get this started." Mr. Shue says. Kurt hits play on the recorder.

"And remember guys, we're looking for superstars." Kurt says. We all have boards to write notes for all of the auditioners.

"Hello, sir, what is your name?" Mr. Shue asks.

"Jake." 'Jake' says.

"Got a last name Jake?" Mr. Shue asks.

"Uh, just jake." He replies. Mr. Shue kind of scoffs.

"Okay, well, show us what you got, 'just jake'." Mr. Shue says as 'never say never' starts playing. He starts singing and I'm pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, Jake. Thank you." Mr. Shue says with a smile and I know he liked it too.

"I don't even get to finish?" Jake asks. He seems so familiar.

"We've got a lot of people to see." Mr. Shue replies.

"But I've been practicing." Jake reasons.

"We've seen enough. Thank you." Mr. Shue says politely. Jake locks his jaw and spins around.

"Uh, Mr. Shue!" I start but get interrupted by Jake slamming a music stand on the ground.

"That's rude and unacceptable." Kurt scolds.

"I'll handle this." Mr. Shue says standing up.

"Jake, come on man, why don't you pick up the music stand." Mr. Shue says. Jake scoffs and acts like a complete dick, turning around to walk away. So familiar...

"Next!" Kurt yells. A sweet looking girl walks in.

"Hi, I'm Marley Rose And I'll be singing New York State of Mind written by billy Joel." She introduces herself.

"Popularized by one Miss Barbra Streisand." Unique/Wade says.

We listen to her sing and her voice is amazing. She's definitely going to be in glee, especially judging by not only Mr. Shue's reactions but everyone else's. We all clap. Mr. Shue leans over to us.

"Now, that's what I call stat quality. What do you guys think?" Mr. Shue asks and they all murmur in agreement.

The next day I walk around the school looking for Kurt. I sigh when I find him organizing sheet music for them. Blaine and Tina follow in closely.

"Um, What's this?" Blaine asks.

"That's a great question Blaine... Kurt?" I ask.

"I'm organizing all the sheet music. Artie, go around it, not over it." Kurt scolds. Some girl hands Tina a giant cupcake and hands it to Artie.

"This is for you- and no, it's not a bribe, because we all know Rachel told me herself that I'm the new Rachel." Tina says all snippy like.

"MVP in the house." Unique walks in yelling.

"Bro, I thought we agreed you'd only wear that stuff onstage." Joe complains.

"What's wrong with you guys? This club is about diversity and acceptance. Or at least it used to be. And another thing- since when did everyone become so obsessed about who's the biggest star?" Kurt shouts getting everyone's attention.

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