Dreams Come True

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Kurt, Rachel, and I check ourselves out, making sure everything's in check as Mr. Shue puts his suit jacket on while I flatten out my dress.

"I can't remember the last time I was this nervous." Mr.Shue says.

"Your wedding, Your second failed wedding, your second second wedding, the birth of your child, when we won ours, the many times we would lose glee if we didn't win." I continue to mumble under my breath before Rachel shoots me a look.

"Oh, well, you don't look nervous at all. You look great. Are you ready?" Rachel asks. Mr. Shue smirks.

"Yeah." Mr. Shue says and Kurt, Rachel, Blaine, Mr. Shue, and I make our way to the backstage area and since Rachel, Kurt, and I aren't coaches anymore, Mr. Shue is the only on allowed on stage and he goes to them.

In third place, it's the harmony busters.

We clap and cheer for them and we can either be very relieved we're not third or devastated If we didn't place.

And now, the first place winner of the 2015 high school show choir national championship is... the new directions!

I hug Blaine and we jump around in excitement. We all go on stage and I hug Mr. Shue. I then go to the team and start hugging them. As Kitty and I stand in front of each other, I purse my lips, smiling and shrug. She smiles back and we hug each other tightly.

3 months later

We all clap as Mr. Shue walks into the choir room of the new McKinley arts school that Mr. Shue is going to be running. Kids fill the classroom up to the brim. I stood behind the new piano, in between Rachel and Kitty.

"Wow, um... I have to say this is the most exciting first day of glee club that we have ever had. No offense to the alumni who have been here since the very first-ever glee club meeting. [he sighs] All right, please, everyone, have a seat." Mr. Shue instructs and the alumni stay standing.

"So,Mr. Shue, when are you gonna start auditions?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, I think you're gonna have trouble sticking to your whole whoever wants in gets in rule." Kurt says.

"Not true, Mr. Hummel. The new directions will be only one of the glee clubs at this school. I'm bringing back The Troubletones and starting an all-boys version called the duly noted. And we're also gonna have a junior varsity squad for those who feel like they need a little seasoning before they're ready for the big time." Mr. Shue announces.

"So, Wait, how are you gonna teach all those glee clubs and run a school?" Mercedes asks.

"I'm not. I'm actually not coaching any of them." Mr. Shue informs us.

"Not even the new directions?" Artie asks, surprised like all of us.

"Well, uh, I've interviewed a... a candidate for that particular job that I really like. But until then, I wanted to say farewell to you all with a song that I prepared for this occasion. My life changed... because of all the magic that we created in this room. And if I've learned one thing. Its the message in the lyrics of this song. This is for you guys." Mr. Shue says, looking only at us; the alumni. Him and Sam go and sit with the other students as they begin to play 'teach your children'.

We clap and some students cheer as the song ends. I'm crying, Rachel's crying, Tina's crying, I think Mr. Shue's crying, we're a mess. We all stand up, still clapping.

The next day Mercedes asks us all to meet her in the auditorium, so the alumni and I walk in where Mercedes immediately stops us.

"Okay, Wait. Stop right there. I just want you guys to come in and listen, because I have to get through this without crying." Mercedes starts, standing on stage. We all make our way and stand across from her, still in the seats part. Kurt and I hop up and sit on the small walls.

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