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So here's what you missed on glee: The glee club started out as underdogs, singing show tunes in the choir room, and now they're headed to Chicago to compete for a national championship. I mean, they made it to nationals last year in New York, but they came in 12th. It was sort of a nightmare. Rachel's nightmare totally came true when she choked at her NYADA audition, and literally all she's talked about for three years is New York, Broadway, Streisand, Broadway. And that's what you missed on glee!

We're in Chicago and I nervously watch Mercedes who has a fever from the other side of the room. I'm not taking a chance at getting sick or her getting sick... on my Cheerios uniform.

"What's going on? How bad is it" Mr. Shue asks rushing into the hotel room.

"Her temperatures 101 degrees and given the fact that weezys complaining about an upset stomach, it's either Amazonian dengue fever or the H1N1 super virus." Sue informs him.

"Or I have good poisoning." Mercedes corrects.

"We all wanted burritos for lunch, so we went to chipotle, but Mercedes tried some dive called señora salvation." Santana explains.

"Will, a word, please." Sue asks as they leave our general our area. After a minute they head back over to us.

"So here's what's gonna happen: Mercedes, you're on bed rest, Quinn, you're stepping in." Mr. Shue says.

"No, no, no, I can't dance that number. I can't sing it either, not like..." Mr. Shue interrupts.

"The trouble tones need you." Mr. Shue tells her.

"And you're better then you think you are." Tina encourages.

"Tina, you, too. You're in trouble tones. Even with Dani, we need you two in there." Mr. Shue says.

"Mr. Shue, this is my last competition. I don't want to miss it." Mercedes whines out with her croaky voice.

"Amen, to that, sister. That's why I'm putting you on a vitamin B-12 drip. We're flushing your system with pedialyte, and I'm gonna fill that bathtub with ice and see if we can't get your ambient boy temperature back down to normal. Worked in Jacobs ladder." Sue explains and walks out of the room to most likely get ice.

"All right, we all have our marching orders. Let's do it." Mr. Shue orders.

I walk down into the dining area that's filled with our glee kids. I see most of them dancing and I know I have to practice but on the other side, some of the boys are helping Noah study. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"How is this going?" I ask, pointing to all the books and maps everywhere. He shrugs.

"Not good. I feel like no matter how much I read all this, I'm not gonna get it! It's no use, I'm not going to graduate." Noah rants. I step in front of him and bend down so we're eye to eye.

"Hey! Stop talking like that. You're so much smarter then you know, Noah. You're going to pass this test." I say with finality. Noah nods with a new sense of determination. I start to walk away when someone knocks into me. Noah starts yelling about them taking up too much space and then more people are yelling at him because his books are taking up too much space and before I know it, the whole room is fighting and Coach Beiste is rushing out of the room to get Mr. Shue. Mr. Shue comes rushing in and pushes people away, asking everyone to calm down.

"He's studying for geography while we're trying to rehearse! It's bogus!" Sam yells. So was Sam the one who knocked into me?

"'Cause I already know the dance! You dance like you got your feet caught in bear traps. You're trying to gnaw them off." Noah yells back. Sam starts towards Noah again but Mr. Shue stops them.

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