A Very Glee Christmas

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Noah scooped me up, helping me hang ornaments on the higher parts of the Christmas tree due to my short height.

We were decorating the choir room just in time for the Christmas season and decorating is never complete without Christmas music, 'The Most Wonderful Day of the Year' is heard throughout the choir room.

We're on the Island of Misfit Toys. Here we don't want to stay
We want to travel with Santa Claus in his magic sleigh!

We sing as we finish the tree. As Artie starts to sing I laugh and help Finn wrap the presents.

A pack full of toys
Means a sack full of joys
For millions of girls, and for millions of boys
When Christmas Day is here...
The most wonderful day of the year.

A jack-in-the-box waits for children to shout
"Wake up! Don't you know that it's time to come out?"
When Christmas Day is here...
The most wonderful day of the year.

Toys galore, scattered on the floor
There's no room for more,
and it's all because of Santa Claus.

I start handing the presents to other glee kids to put under the tree.

A scooter for Jimmy

Sam sings.

A dolly for Sue

I cut in, tapping his shoulder to hand him another present.

The kind that will even say,
"How do you do?"
When Christmas Day is here...
The most wonderful day of the year.

[Speech not heard on the album version]
"How would you like to be a Spotted Elephant?"
"Or a Choo-Choo with square wheels on your caboose?"

I look at Noah.

Or a water pistol that shoots... jelly?"

We both smile as everyone shouts.

We're all misfits!

We all get up and stand around the tree, giving it, its final touches. I go to stand with Santana, Brittany, and Artie.

If we're on the Island of Unwanted Toys
We'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys
When Christmas Day is here...
the most wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day of the year!

We finish the song just as Mr. She walks in.

"Hey Guys, What's this?" He asks.

"Oh, we're trying to get into the Christmas spirit, Mr. Shue. Christmas is totally my favorite holiday. And check out this awesome tree! I found it on the side of the road. It must have fell off some guys car." Finn explained kinda awkwardly. You couldn't blame us with how many times Mr. Shue's "yelled" at us.

"And the ornaments?" He asks. I frown at some of the more broken ones.

"The guy who lives next door finally killed off his elderly mother. And when they carted him off, they left the house, like, wide open, so... I think she was a holiday hoarder." Santana explained.

"Uh... a-and the presents?" Mr. She asks confused.

"I lifted them from a display at the mall. But don't worry. They're empty." Noah assures him.

"Guys, look, I appreciate the effort, but this isn't what Christmas is suppose to be like." Mr. Shue says.

"For us, it is. This tree is like a mascot for glee club. We won sectionals two years in a row, and according to everyone at this school, we still suck." Mercedes says while she then explains how her, Tina, and Mike got slusheed.

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