Never Been kissed

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So here's what you missed on Glee. Puck tried to steal and ATM and got himself stuck in juvie. Sam and Quinn are sort of a couple and so are Mike and Tina. Artie and Brittany went out, but then he sort of dumped her, and now he sort of wants her back. Kurt's pretty lonely all by himself and so is Coach Beiste. Sue keeps trying to get her to quit. She even baked her a batch of cookies. And that's what you kissed on Glee!

Tina, Kurt and I walked down the halls. I quickly check my phone but see nothing. Both Tina and I took in his latest outfit.

"I take it we have a lot of sweater trains to look forward to this season." Tina prompted making us all smile. We might've taken about two more steps when Karofsky pushed Kurt into a locker.

"Watch where your going next time, before I show you!" I threatened as he kept walking. I was about to storm up to him when Kurt places a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you Okay?" Tina asks.

"Yeah. Fine." Kurt responds sounding imperiled. We walk into glee club late as Mr. Shue immediately starts class.

"All right, guys, let's get down to business. First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman." Mr. Shue announces. I gasp and jump into his awaiting arms. He squeezes me tight.

"I missed you too." He whispers for only me to hear. I smile and get off his lap to find my own seat in between him and Artie.

"Puck, I hope your time in juvie has taught you a lesson or two about right and wrong." Mr. Shue slightly scolds.

"Are you kidding me? I ruled that place. All I did was crack skills and life weights all day." Noah bragged.

"Wow what a catch. Can't believe I ever let you go." Quinn said lightly.

"And now, drum roll, Finn. Because I have in my hand our competition for sectionals next month. First, the a cappella choir from the all- boys private school in Westerville, the dalton academy Warblers." Mr. Shue announces.

"Okay, hold up. Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head." Santana said laughing. I turned around.

"I... was just about to say the same thing!" I told her. Her smile widened.

"An the other team to beat- the hipsters, a first-year club from the Warren township continuing education program. Now, they are a glee club composed entirely of elderly people getting their high school GED's." Mr. Shue informed us.

"Is that legal?" Rachel asked.

"How are we suppose to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?" Mercedes asks.

"Are you kidding? Brittle bones. Give one of those old ladies a good-luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis." Noah answers. We sorta cheer. That was really weird.

"Moving on. Since it seemed to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I want to make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament." Mr. Shue suggests making us cheer.

"So, split up into two groups, and forgive our What's songs you're going to sing." Mr. Shue instructs and movies out of the way to let us do what we need to do.

I move over to the girls side and smirk as Kurt heads over to sit next to me.

"Kurt, gonna say it again- boys team." Mr. Shue says sternly. I shrug at Kurt as he begrudgingly goes over to the boys team.

After glee club I catch up with Noah and Artie. Before we start walking down the hall I nervously check my phone seeing if I have any messages.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but can you push me down the back staircase? My injuries should be the same, but it's mire lightly populated, so the humiliation won't be as bad." Artie calculates. I scoff.

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