Pot o' Gold

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So here's what you missed on glee: Shelby's back with Beth, and she's starting her own show choir at McKinley. Mercedes is on board because she's tired of Rachel and the glee club. Buts Quinn's only playing nice so she and puck can get the baby back. Kurt, Rachel, and Brittany are all running for senior class president, and Sues running for Congress so she can cut funding for glee clubs everywhere. And that's what you missed on glee!

I wait with Santana at her locker so we can get to glee club which Santana is back in. I look over, just in time to see Mercedes walking straight to us.

"Hey Santana, Danielle. How many solos did you guys get in glee club last year?" Mercedes asks.

"A few." Santana says.

"Multiple, technically." I say.

"One: Valerie And I loved it And Dani, you've never sung a full solo before." Mercedes points out.

"I was the lips in rocky horror." I say.

"Listen, if you guys and I were in Shelby's group, we'd get all the solos and the duets. Our voices all sound amazing together. Plus, it's an all-girl group." Mercedes convinces.

"And why would i care about all-girl?" Santana asks.

"It's all lady power all the time. I mean, Shelby's a great teacher. I mean... I'm hitting notes I didn't even know existed. She gets me- what I have to give. It feels good." Mercedes continues to try and hook us as we walk down the hall.

"Our loyalty is not so easily bought Mercedes." I say firmly. I notice Santana's look.

"... right Santana?" I ask. She sighs.

"You know, honestly, I wish I could, but... somebody's gotta look out for Brittany. I mean, that special place where she lives, yeah, it's beautiful, but someone's got to help her cross the street. I could never just leave her." Santana continues while Santana and I continue to follow her.

"Get her to come with you." Mercedes says and then she walks off.

"Are you seriously thinking about it?" I ask. Santana says nothing but links our arms and drags me to glee club.

"You know what girl Chang? If you cry every time someone gets a hangnail, it kind of starts to lose effect." Santana complains.

"It's not a hangnail. Mercedes was one of glees original members. I feel naked in here without her." Tina cries.

"Why didn't you get all mopey when I quit glee club?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and continues to cry.

"You left for like a few hours... Mercedes is really gone." Tina cries all over again.

"Well... get use to it, cause without her singing for us, we're gonna have to perform naked for the judges to vote for us at sectionals." Noah comments to Tina's previous words.

"No. I will not let this setback crush our spirits. I mean, we have handled worse." Mr. Shue says.

"Then losing one of our best singers?" Mike asks.

"Kind of hard not to blame you, Mr. Shue. Think you were too hard on her at Booty camp." Quinn says.

"I blame Artie. Why couldn't you have just given Maria to Mercedes?" Tina accuses.

"Hey, hey, hey you wet piece of white rice. It was Arties call and Mercedes didn't respect it. She left on her own." I defended. Artie scoffed.

"Plus, it would have damaged my integrity as an artist." Artie adds. I nod. Mercedes was the one who was too proud to share the spotlight.

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