Jagged Little Tapestry

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Kurt, Rachel, and I sit in the empty choir room, going through sheet music.

"I ran into Blaine And Karofsky last night. Then I spent the rest of the night having a fantasy about singing 'it's too late' all over town." Kurt tells us.

"Oh no." Rachel says.

"Geez." I groan.

"Says the one who actually got married." Kurt scoffs while i smirk. We're all silent for a moment.

"Hey. Why don't we use Carole Kings seminal break-up album tapestry as this weeks lesson?" Kurt suggests. I shrug.

"Yeah, it's brilliant, but, I mean, it's sort of a downer, don't you think? If we're gonna do a breakup album, then it has to be jagged little pill, 'cause it's modern and edgy and angry. And isn't that the kind of energy that we want these new kids expressing?" Rachel asks.

"We want them to be angry?" I mutter in confusion.

"Yeah, but I bet none of these kids have even heard of tapestry, and that's just wrong. And Mr. Shue was little obsessed with rap and journey, but at least we all left glee club with a better understanding and appreciation of all kinds of music. You know? It's our job to educate we well as win competitions, you know?" Kurt explains his reasonings.

"Maybe it was easier for Mr. Shue 'cause he didn't have partners to answer to." Rachel started making Kurt and I look offended.

"You know what would've made his life easier? If he didn't have you as a student." I comment.

"I'm... I'm just, you know, getting worried about this co-teaching thing. I don't want us to start hating each other." Rachel explains.

"That boat sailed a long time ago." I tell her.

"Wait. Why don't we do both albums? We'll make it a mash-up week. Think about it, uh, jagged little pull and tapestry. Two great albums written by great singer-songwriters." Kurt imagines.

"That's brilliant because then we can educate them and get them fired up at the same time. We're so good!" Rachel says.

"Yes, on Fire, Rachel, on Fire!" Kurt says as they clap.

"Yay team." I say monotonous.

Later when it's time for glee club, we're all in the office.

"Okay, why don't I start it with the title, and then you two can just segue into the theme." Rachel suggests.

"Or I could start with the title, and then we can all segue into the theme." Kurt tries but Rachel's already walking away. We follow.

"Welcome, everyone, to our very first glee club rehearsal [we clap]. First I would like to welcome back our distinguished alumni who have so graciously agreed to stay an extra week. So, thank you, thank you, thank you." Rachel starts.

"Yeah, how exactly are you guys doing that?" Jane asks them.

"Oh, I can bend time and space with my mind." Brittany tells her casually.

"Okay, So, as you very well have heard, the glee club has a grand and glorious tradition of starting each week with a lesson where we explore every musical genre under the sun." Rachel explains.

"But mostly Katy perry and show tunes." Quinn adds.

"Not this week. Rachel, Dani and I are extremely excited to kick off this weeks lesson with our..." Kurt trails off ready to write it on the board when Rachel pulls back the first board to show it already written.

"Our first musical lesson 'jagged little tapestry'." Rachel introduces. Kurt comes back over to me while I just sit on the piano.

"Oh, look, finally some songs about Rachel's hair extensions." Santana comments.

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