Chapter 1

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"I swear I didn't mean to do it mom!" I yelled "You had got to be kidding me Elly, this is the seventh time this year Elly! Seven times I've been called to your school cause you were fighting with your classmates! Are you the only student in your school??
What the hell is wrong with you??".

"Mom I swear I didn't mean to do it but Stacey had it coming, she's been a total bitch to me all my life! Look mom, I don't have the strength to explain all that happened so just ground me for a month like you always do and lets move on with our lives OK!?".

"No Elliana, I'm not going to ground you. Not this time".

" You gonna send me to dad's place?? Mom please don't send me there, that place is-"

"Don't worry, you're not going to that Weirdo's house again. I'm never making that mistake ever again"

"So you're not punishing me?"

"I'm sending you home sweetie"

"Home? What do you mean by home?"


Wait what? Oh My God. No this can not be happening.

"You're joking right? Mom seriously, I can't leave Chicago. I can't start my whole life again and you know how much I hate that country with its corrupt leaders and even more corrupt citizens!"

"Alright that's enough Elly. I've made up my mind and that's final."

"Wait mom are you for real? Like... You're not joking? I thought you loved me!!"

"And I do sweetie, I love you to the moon and back but I think this is the only way of helping you with your issues"

"I know I have anger issues mom but I'm trying, I'm trying really hard to get reed of it or even lessen it. Please don't do this to me mom I can't stay away from you for even a day... And... how long am I expected to be there?"

"Just 2 years hun... Your papers should be ready by next week and you'll leave on Thursday"

"2 whole years!?!? Are you trying to kill me?... And next week's too soon mom, I want to spend some time with you before I leave"

"I'm sorry but I've made arrangements already, I can't cancel now"

"So you've been planning this for some time now right? Cause I only had a fight with 'Stacey the lovely bitch' this afternoon, you couldn't have made plans that early"

"Yeah I've been making plans to send you there for some while now and this felt like the perfect excuse to let you know"

"Mom I'm scared... I don't know anyone there, I only know my Aunt Anna which I'm not really close to... I'm really scared, what if I mess up and no one likes me over there just like they don't over here?"

"I guess you have a lot to learn about Nigeria. So for the one week you're gonna be here, I'll teach you all you need to know about Nigeria; their dishes, their way of schooling and every other thing you need to know. Sweetheart, You will be just fine alright?"

"Okay mommy"


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