Chapter 7

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"I'm going to miss you soo much mom", I say once we reach the airport around 8 pm on Thursday evening.

"I'll miss you too honey" she says hugging me

"Now make sure you call me every single day and tell me how your life's going okay? Daisy orders.

" Yes Ma'am" I say saluting before I notice two little things hugging my legs, its Daniel and Dylan.

"We'll miss you Ellyyyyy" they said in accord with their super cute voices.

I bent down to hug them in a proper way. "I'll miss you too babies!!!" I said but then Daniel immediately withdrew from the hug screaming a "heeeeyyy!!"

"What is it Daniel?" I asked worried.

"Dylan might be a baby but I am totally NOT a baby!!!"

"Daniel" Dylan started " As long as she is older than us, she can call us whatever she wants to" Dylan said looking back at Daniel

"I won't accept that though, I am no baby I will be 7 in no time"

"That doesn't mean Danny, she is still.older and by the way...."

They continued yelling at one another. I then walked over to Mr. and Mrs. King.

"Thanx for being the best best friend's parent I could ever wish for, thank you for covering up for me when I went out without my mother's permission I really appreciate it" I said

"Its okay darling we are really going to miss you, me especially" Mrs. King said pulling me in for a hug which I gladly returned.

"Make sure you take care of yourself okay? And if you need anything you can call okay?" Mr King said also pulling me in for a hug. I'm going to miss all of them so much, especially their hugs.


I finally got to Nigeria and it felt like a whole day though it was 19 hours. I got to the airport and I went to pick up my travelling bags, they were two, 1 pink and 1 purple, mom bought them for me but I don't like it cause its too shiny and I don't like those colours, my best colours are blue and yellow. Everybody who knows me knows that I hate pink and purple, well, except my Mother.

I sat in the airport thinking about how I've just left my whole life behind and trying to remember how my aunt looks like or even my cousin but I can't remember anything.

While waiting I see families coming over to pick up their friends and family hugging each other. After sometime I see a woman who looks just like my mom but is slimmer, with her is a young girl about my age who looks pretty much like me and I'm  totally sure they are the ones. Aunt Anna and Ella. They are searching with their eyes supposedly for me. So I wave to them and once Ella's eyes meet with mine she starts running over to me and I stretch out my hands to hug her. The hug felt like I had never been hugged before, it felt amazing to see her after so many years. "My little sister, its nice seeing you again, its been so long damn it"

"Biggie!!! I've missed you too and I'm happy to be here"

When we withdrew from each other i looked at my Aunt and gave her a big hug, she returned the gesture and hugged me back, kissing me in the hair "Princess you have grown into a beautiful big girl, I've missed you so so much"

"Thank you Aunty, I've missed you too"


The driver drove us to my grandma's  house in an Estate, the name of the estate is too weird for me to pronounce.

I remember when my grandpa died, my mother cried for about a whole week, i had to do all the chores at home, she didn't come out of her room. She said my grandpa was the cool headed one and he was the only one who could tame my very hot headed grandma. She also said that my aunt told her that my grandma, since then, hasn't been herself cause she was always shouting at everyone for little things and that's the main reason why I'm really scared to stay at my grandma's house. But before we got there Ella was telling me things I should and shouldn't do.

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