Chapter 19 Just the start

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So that's our lovely Elliana in the picture above


"That's how they were just playing o, they nah left me alone with my broken leg" Ella said obviously exaggerating.

"No that's a total lie. Firstly we were not playing, we were just talking"

"Hmmm" they chorused and by 'they' I mean Ella and Debra. Sunday evening and Debra came over.

"And Ella you said you were feeling dizzy so I took you to the sitting room to rest" I defended myself.

"Sha remember that you have a fine sexy Asian boyfriend" Only Ella will describe her cousin's boyfriend like that.

"Ella he is your In-law o, calm down" Debra said to Ella.

"I'm calm, I just don't want Elly to forget" she is still defending herself.

"I haven't forgotten that don't worry. My relationship with Martins is totally platonic" I said in all seriousness. And I meant it, Jay is the one I like.

"Hmmm.... Okay oo" they said in unison.

"Alright you guys need to stop doing that" but they didn't listen, they laughed in unison. Nonsense girls, though I'm happy they don't hate anymore.

"So we called this meeting because we want to come up with a plan to steal the pictures from Ore not to talk about the boys in my life" I said reminding them of the purpose of our meeting. Ohh yeah... Ella had given me the permission to tell Debra about what Ore did to her.

"Okay let's be serious now, so what do you guys have in mind?"

"Can't I just shoot her in the head and collect all her phones and tabs and laptops?" I suggested and Debra just sat there looking at me like I just ran mad "What, I'm going to clean up well, don't worry they won't notice anything"

"No that will be to quick she needs to feel pain, we should prolly kidnap her and beat her up first" Ella said

"Yeah I guess that would be a good one, we'll watch her feeling the pain. Debra what do you think?"

"Are you guys okay??? You Williams girls are sick in the head" she said looking at us in shock.

The room was filled with mine and Ella's laughter shortly.

"Alright back to the purpose of the meeting" I said

"That's how you'll continue saying until the moon comes out"

We all laughed at that.

"Okay for reals now, why can't we just steal her phone and delete the pictures" I suggested

"She would have obviously backed it up somewhere" Ella said.

"But you can check her laptop and delete it somehow nah. Aren't you her best friend?" Debra spoke.

"She doesn't allow me use any of her stuffs again" Ella said hopelessly "I'm losing hope guys"

"No don't, let's just keep thinking"

"Yes! That's it!!" I said with more enthusiasm than intended. "Amaka! She has access to Ore's stuffs right?"

"Yeah she does" Ella confirmed.

"So we could just add her to our little group and ask for her help" I said clapping in excitement.

"That's actually a good idea" Debra said with a smile spreading on her face.

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