Chapter 27 Someone's missing

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It's the New year and the beginning of a new term. I've made up my mind to leave Jay back in last year and to forget about any stupid dates and love and all that nonsense. Because I don't have that time anymore. I'll come to school for school. Reading and passing my exams, that's all, nothing more. What's the worst that can happen?

The bell is rung at exactly 7:20 in the morning for assembly. I can't wait to see Jamal, we agreed last night on WhatsApp that we'd sit together during the assembly this morning. I saw Debra basically through out the holiday so I don't miss her that much.

"Hey babe"

"Hey Folake, how you doing?" I ask as she sits right beside me, where Jamal is supposed to be.

"I'm fine o, you?" She asks stretching out her hand to hug me in our seated positions.

"Good. Happy New year" I greet with a smile.

"Same to you babe" she smiles back at me "This new year ehn, I have planned how it will be, my first new year resolution is that I won't be talking too much again, I actually didn't know before that I used to talk too much but this year I'll change. And did you hear that Tobi and Alice are dating? Kai I pity them sha, I hope nobody reports them. How is Jayson by the way? I've not been seeing you two together since last term. Abi did you guys break up? You broke up with him abi he broke up with you? Or did-" She just didn't stop talking, I guess this New Year resolution stuff isn't working out for her at all.

"Good morning students" Our principal interrupts her with her greeting.

"Good morning ma" the entire hall of students chorus.

"Happy New year all!!!" She says beaming with Joy.

"Same to you ma" They all chorused and started making their usual noise. I don't know what they're always talking about.

"Ooohh, Mrs Moshood and her long speeches have come again o. The woman talks to much" Folake laments and I stare at her in disbelief. Is she seriously angry at someone for talking too much? If that's the case then she should be thrown into jail.

"Silence" she said in a very calm voice and just in a second, the hall was as silent as a grave yard "As we all know, this term is an event filled term, we have our inter-house sports and we'll be having our annual excursion. And we also know that anyone who misbehaves in anyway this term will not be allowed to participate in any sports and will also not be allowed to go for the excursion. So make sure you behave better than ever. Ss3 students are you in the hall?"

"Yes ma" the ss3 students behind answer.

"Good. I know normally ss3 students are not exempted from these activities but due to the sudden change in the date of your JAMB Examinations, there will be some changes in your activities too" Mrs Moshood said in all her glory. Some students started murmuring from behind, obviously the ss3 students "We all know that during the day the sun is going to be extremely hot. So if you don't want to be sun dried  this afternoon you had better shut up your mouths" And the hall went back to being silent "As I was saying, ss3 students, yes you will be allowed to attend the inter house sports but you are not allowed to partake in the sporting competitions and you guys are not going for the excursion. Is this clear to you?"

"Yes ma" They replied obviously sad.

"And this is going to continue in this school as time goes on. More information about the inter house sports will be posted on the notice board. Thank you" She said and stepped down from the stage with her heels being the only sound heard in the hall.

"So what house did they put you in?" Folake asks looking at me.

"Yellow house" I reply.

"Eh eh, so we are in the same house. That's nice, we'll have fun together don't worry. During practise, I have a place where we can chill and gist I'll be bringing snacks, the other houses will even be jealous but me I won't give them anything because when they are doing their own they don't give us anything, kai, those girls ehn, they-" long story cut short, she didn't stop talking until assembly finished and we got back to class, around 8am.

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