Chapter 44 Prom

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"So its prom" Abisola smiles at me.

"I'm glad you've figured that out" I smile back at him "See how you are sweating, don't worry Debra won't change her mind on going with you and even if she does, I'll be right here waiting" I wink.

He chuckles "She had better not. And even if she does, I still won't go with you". We are in his car right in front of Debra's house.

" Get out of the car and go call her jare" I push him out.

I'm dressed in a red dinner gown without sleeves, silver heels and a silver purse. Of course I'm wearing a red lipstick. Few minutes later, Debra steps out of the house in her blue gown. We decided to get the same style of cloth but different colours. Abisola is wearing a blue suit. He gives her a peck on the lips and they get into the car. We gush over our dresses and fix up our faces all the way to school.

The prom was planned by the new social prefects in ss2 with the help of their mates. This reminds me of how stressful it was to plan last year's prom. Right now, everyone is on the dance floor dancing to the slow song with their dates. When I say everyone I mean everyone. Apart from the few ss2 students running around as ushers, I'm the only one that isn't on the dance floor. How sad!

"Seems like we are the only dateless people" Jay says now sitting beside me. Well make that two.

"How come you don't have a date?" I ask shocked, I mean its Jay, even if no one gets a date, Jay should.

"Well... I just didn't feel like it" he shrugs.

"Oh... Weird coming from you but okay" I answer looking back at the dance floor. I spot Abisola and Debra dancing and Playing. Just having fun. I move to the next couple, Emmanuel and Folake talking and moving to the music. They are both clad in green outfits. Its funny how they ended up coming to prom together when all they used to do was fight.

I keep on looking at everyone and how happy they are. Finally, I see Jamal and Alice moving to the music too. Right at that time, our eyes meet. Alice and I. She let's out a chuckle and suddenly hugs Jamal tightly.

Smooth girl, smooth.

Jamal, with a confused face looks to my direction and we make eye contact. Those sparkling eyes come alive. I then feel someone tapping me so I look at the owner of the hand. I totally forgot Jay was still here.

"Let's dance" he orders and before I even give an answer, he pulls me to the dance floor and starts twirling me around like I'm some feather without weight.

"You are so rude" I hit him lightly.

"Yeah I get that a lot" he smirks. Although he is very rude and narsistic, I'll dance with him. Since I don't even have anyone to dance with "You know I've missed Ella so much. I can't wait to leave this country to be with her"

"The both of you are so annoying" I sigh "But no matter how annoying she is, I still miss her so much" I admit.

"Don't worry we'll soon leave to go and be with her"

"You know,I've been thinking about that, I don't think I'm ready to leave Nigeria just yet"

"Are you okay? Who in Nigeria doesn't want to run away from Nigeria?" He asks in disbelief and I chuckle.

"You guys always run away from Nigeria, I don't get why though. Leaving Nigeria doesn't change Nigeria in any way. It only makes Nigeria lose one of its citizens that is very capable of changing it or at least making it better. Are you not supposed to look for a way to improve it? Face your problems and don't run away from them?"

"Ah. That's too deep for me to process at this time of the night. But I know you are smart and you know what you're doing. I trust you" he smiles and I smile back "Hey let's switch partners" Jay says with a knowing smile and before I know it, I'm in Jamal's arms. I'm going to kill this MF today!!!

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