Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning to Ella sitting on my bed, eating chips I guess."Good morning Elly!!" She says showing off her very white teeth. I felt like I hadn't even slept for up to an hour.

"Good morning" I say. I then look out through my window and its still dark outside. What the!!! Why is she waking me up this early? "What's going on??" I ask worried.

"We have to go and greet grandma, I forgot to tell you this yesterday, grandma appreciates it a lot when we greet her early in the morning and I have a feeling that she will give us money this morning"

"Can't I just go greet her when I'm fully awake?"

"No you can't, besides we have a movie to go watch by 1 and I need to take you out also. The point is that we need to wake up early so that we can make the most of the day so get up and let's move to grandma's room" She pulls me up and I fall on the ground butt first.

"Ouch" I say rubbing my butt.

"Sorry!!" She says and starts pulling me out of my room.

"But I want to sleep for just maybe one more hour"

"No Elly, I'm doing my best to make you have fun in Nigeria!"

"Fine!!" I say then get off the floor and we walk down to grandma's room. Ella was about opening the door but then she stopped on her tracks and I bumped into her back.

" Sorry, Now if we really want to impress grandma then we have to greet her in Yoruba" Ella said looking back at me.

"But I can't speak Yoruba" I said

"Just repeat after me, Ekaaro ma" She said

"Ekaaro ma" I said, she then smiled at me and said "perfect"

She was about opening the door but I stopped her.

"What if she isn't awake?" I said cause that would be disastrous for us to wake her up just to greet her. I don't get why greeting is a very important and ceremonial thing to my grandma.

"She is awake joh, I heard her praying some minutes ago, sha don't forget to kneel down o"

She opened the door. Grandma was on her reading table reading her Bible with her glasses on.

"Ekaaro ma" Ella said kneeling down, I also went on my knees saying the same thing.

"Oooo Karo eyin oko Mi, Se Dada le ji?" She said and I didn't know what she said or what to say so I just stayed there and didn't say anything.

"Adupe ma" Ella said so I just echoed what she said.

"My babies are growing up o, oyah you go to my purse and bring out 4000 naira for the both of you, you guys can go out and enjoy yourselves but make sure you eat before leaving and you must leave with Kayode, se eti gbo?" She said. Ella brought out 4000 naira from Grandma's purse and handed 2000 naira to me.

"Thank you grandma" We said together and left the room. Once we shut the door, Ella was dancing in a very weird way probably because of the money. I just laughed at her.

"Now can I go back to sleep?" I said dragging myself to my room.

"Not yet, you have to bath and get ready for our outing now!!" she said in a very intimidating tone.

"Yes ma'am" I shrugged and went into the bath room it was still dark outside though and this was really pissing me off. I never used to wake up this early.

I have this habit of washing my face again with soap after bathing to get pimples away from my face. So as I finished doing that, I looked myself in the mirror then the light started twitching. It was coming on and off and it continued until it finally went off.

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