Chapter 18

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"Is it getting any better?" I asked Ella. We were at Martin's house. Its very close to the gate and its very big and is painted cream and wine.

"Yeah I guess, you know this is all your fault, I didn't want to come out with you but you forced me!!!" She said frowning.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I just wanted you to freshen up a bit" I said feeling sorry.

"Its okay, you had good intentions. How do you know this guy though?!" She asks looking at him suspiciously.

"He's a... Uhmmm..."

"Friend, I'm a friend of hers" He said before i could say anything. I wouldn't really say friend, a guy I met while jogging would have been the right phrase.

"Okay, I'm feeling a bit dizzy, can I sleep on the couch in the living from?" Ella asks with her eyes closing.

"You can but we have a spare bedroom" He said.

"No she'll be fine here. Let me help you up sis" I say taking her towards the living room. Our first visit and you want her in a room?? I won't accept that sorry.

I took her to the couch and she laid down on it. I went back to the kitchen to talk with Martins. "You know this isn't right"

"What's not right?"

"Me coming to your house with my injured sister when I know nothing about you" I say sitting on the high stool. Did I mention that the house is very big? The kitchen is also very spacious and beautiful.

"But you know my name" he replied. Touché.

"Me coming to your house with my injured sister when I know nothing about you but your name"

"Well, we can get to know each other now, I'll just microwave the box of pizza in the fridge then we can play a simple game"

"What game" I ask as I watch him bring out the box of pizza from the fridge.

"20 questions. I'll ask you a question then you'll ask and we continue going" he said as he put it in the microwave, put the microwave on and came to sit directly opposite me bringing a huge smile along with him.

"I know how the game goes, but why is it called 20 questions instead of just Questions? Its not like its just 20 questions that is being asked" I say playing with my nails

"You should probably ask the person who made the game" he said in all seriousness.

"You Nigerians and your sarcasm" I said and he laughed. "Okay you go first"

"Alright. Are you guys twins? Cause you act and look like you are." He asks and I start laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"We are not even sisters, she's my cousin and she seniors me with one year so never say that around her. She can turn aggressive"

"I heard you o, Martins or whatever, I'm her senior" We heard Ella's voice from the living room.

"I'm sorry, just a little mis-understanding" he shouted back. I just sat there laughing. " But You guys look so much alike" he whispered to me.

"Yeah probably cause our mothers are identical twins"

"Ooohh.... That's nice" he said

"Yeah. My turn, who stays here with you? Your family?"

"Kind of" he said and stopped talking. I noticed the sudden change of mood.

I'm not a girl to notice that someone is sad and then decide to change topic though, I love gist so I asked "Can you like explain??"

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