Chapter 43 Done!.

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Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out

Dude he is just a boy!

Not just anyboy!!!

I finally get to the library and I check every row for Jamal. I finally spot him at the dark corner of the library. All I can see is his hair. I think I'm getting cold feet.


Alright fine!

I walk up to him and when I get closer, I notice he isn't alone, he is with Alice. He seems to be reading a book and she's also reading something with her head on his shoulder. Okay that isn't so bad right?

I turn around to leave but I pause once I hear my name.


I turn back and I see he is standing already "Oh my God Elliana, you are back" Alice says as she rushes up to hug me. Why the pretence? "School wouldn't have been the same without you honestly"

"Thanks" I say with a fake smile.

"I'll leave you two to talk for now and I'll be back in a few minutes okay?" She says as she hugs and pecks him.


"Hey" I start awkwardly.

"El" He whispers still shocked.

"Can we talk?" I ask then we both sit down "So... For some reasons I was allowed to come back to Nigeria"

"Ohh that's... Nice" he answered with a little smile.

"So... I have something to tell you and I don't think you'll like it"

"Oh no" he sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"I had time to think about us" I start gesturing to both of us. Oh God how do I say this!?

"Maybe we should take a break? Then start all over again after sometime" He suggests. Okay that sounds very tempting but that is even worse than us staying together.

"How about we make it permanent?" I ask and it came out too harsh, but I continue "What is the purpose of us being together?
Where are we going with the relationship when we know we won't be together forever
Its really going to scar me if we continue and its not that I don't love you or anything but I want to start learning how to live without you being there for me all the time I really really still love you but I think this is the right thing for us to do" I say in one breathe but he doesn't say anything. He just stares out of the window.

"Apart from all I just said, many things have happened in the past month and I am kind of living with Martins now" he stays silent but now turns his gaze at me "I know you never liked him so it would have been really awkward if... You know... We were still dating"

"You sure about this?"

"I think so"

"Can I still call you El?"

"Yeah sure" I answer with a tight smile.

"Hey guys I'm back" Alice says, her hand on his shoulder.

"I guess that's my cue to leave" I say and hurriedly move out of the library.

One month later.

I know this is going to be very hard for me. But I have to.

I know many people will say stuff like "Follow your heart" or "Love will work a way out of this for you guys" but no. This is not some Wattpad story or Netflix movie. This is reality!

I'm a huge fan of romantic movies and stories but not all love stories have a happy ending. Sure I'll get a happy ending later on and I know Jamal will too. But we can't be together. No matter how rough my life has been with my family, I can't leave them for anything in the world.

In the past month, Jamal has asked me out three times and I have rejected him for those three times. After that, he stopped talking to me and I wouldn't want to say that he moved over to someone else but yes, that is pretty much what he did.

Jamal and Alice are now really close. Like very very close. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I shouldn't even be sad or jealous, but I am. I miss being the one he walked to the school gate everyday after school. I miss being the one he hugged every morning. The one he would call everyday after school. The one he would buy cookies and Pepsi for during break. The one that he loved to feed him. The one he never wanted to leave alone because I didn't know karate.

But now, that's Alice's place in his life and I'm just his classmate. This is what I wanted right? I asked for it so I have to deal with it.

I just hope he isn't making a second mistake. I know they aren't dating or anything like that, not for my sake but for his. I hope he doesn't fall for another Christian. Unless maybe her family will accept him but I know his mom won't.


Shortest chapter I know.

But anyways, if you guys have any questions to ask about anyone in this book, or even about me, just drop them in the comment sections.

If you haven't guessed it yet, this book is very very close to its end... Very very. But I don't want it to end😭😭 but I guess it has to. If you want a little peek into Elly's life after secondary school, you can find that in my second book. "What are friends for?"
I promise that Y'all will enjoy it👌👌


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