Chapter 31 Road trip

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Its a night to our trip and I've never been more excited, well I have, but this is a different kind of excitement, its mixed with nervousness. But I'm taking this better than Debra, by farrrr.

There are numerous crumbled sheets of paper on the floor. This is because Debra has been scribbling stuff on the papers, squeezing it and then throwing it on the floor for the past 20 minutes.

"Will you stop destroying the poor papers?" I yell at Debra.

"But I'm nervous, Abisola will be there. What if he tries to make a move on me?" She stops and looks at me intensely then whispers "What if he tries to kiss me?? French kiss??"

"Ew... You really didn't have to tell me that, now I have the disgusting image in my head" I say as I run down to the toilet to wash my face and try to unsee  the Abisola French kissing Debra image in my head. It isn't working by the way. Urrggh.

"Ah ah, its not disgusting joh. Its sweet" she said smiling sheepishly.

"I thought you didn't like the idea of it"

"I do... I mean I don't.... Urrgghh I don't know, what if I mistakenly bite him? What if he starts bleeding or vomi-"

"Okay shut up! None of that will happen, you just have to go with the flow. We're not even sure if he's going to *insert vomit emoji* kiss *another one* you. I mean, this is Nigeria" I say going back to enjoy the comfort of my bed.

She chuckles "Trust me, you'll be seeing lots of kissing during this trip, even some teachers"

"Eww... That's even more disgusting"

"Whatever" she said in a Regina George way.

"What are you even writing?" I say standing up to pick one.

"None if your business ooo" she yells back and I ignore her and smoothen out the paper I picked from the floor.

Bees sometimes sting other bees.

I look at her in confusion. I pick another one.

Grapes explode when you put them in a microwave.

And another

Butterflies taste with their hind feet.

"Debra What's all these?" I ask still very shocked.

"See I'm tensed, I write down random facts when I'm tensed"

"Dude you are very weird"

"Abeg leave me"

"Okay let's sleep now, you're seriously over thinking all of this" I say as I pull her up to the bed "How do you even know all those weird facts?" I ask as we lay down facing the ceiling.

"I watch weird documentaries" She answers.


"Good night to you too dear"

15 minutes later and I'm still awake. I forced Debra to sleep and I can't sleep myself. How nice.

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you, I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay...

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