Chapter 36 Total Chaos

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"Mom!?!?" I screamed and ran up to her giving her a bone crushing hug. I'm very surprised and confused right now but I've missed her too much. She got out of her rehab centre few months ago and since then, we talk basically everyday.

"My sweetheart!" She shouts, I've missed her voice so much.

"Aunty Abby!!!" Ella also yells and joins in the hug.

"Awwwww. I'm so happy" Aunty Anna gushes. We release ourselves from the hug and the girls greet my mom.

This is officially the best day of my life!!!

"I've waited for this for so long. Infact, we'll have a party. A very big party, its going to be so lovely" Aunt Anna says clapping her hands. She seems more excited than I am.

"No there'll be no need for that, don't stress yourself" Mom said waving her off.

"No joh, I'm throwing a party for you in two months time and that is final!"

"Two months? Why two months?" I ask.

"I said it will be a big party. It will take two months to plan and I want it to be just perfect" She said dramatically walking into the living room.


"First with the hoverboard, now this? Jamal I'll fall and this time I won't forgive you" I warn him.

"Babe you won't fall. Trust me" he said with a bright smile.

"Remember the last time I trusted you? We ended up on the floor!" I said hitting his head so he can remember.

"Okay trust the training wheels, they'll support you. But I can't date a girl that doesn't know how to ride a bike or fight karate" he said setting up the training wheels.

"Who said I can't fight? Besides who am I fighting? I have you to take care of me right?" I hit his head again. Then he stood up, towering over me.

"And what if I'm not there? What if you are alone?" He said with a sad expression.

"Is this about what happened last year? The Ore drama?" I ask pinching his cheeks.

"Maybe it is, you need to learn how to defend yourself, just in case. What if Jay didn't see you that night?" He said with tears threatening to drop from his eyes.

"But that's all in the past now, you don't need to worry about that and please Jamal, stop feeling guilty, there's nothing you could've done-"

"I should have been there with you, I should have never lef-"

"You had no choice, stop trying to be super man all the time. Cause it isn't possible. But at least you're doing something to help. You'll teach me self defense" I said with a smile that induced a smile on his face too "And you're teaching me how to ride a bike so that if a bicycle is the only ride I have to run away, I'll be able to run away"

We both laughed at that. Then he surprisingly hugged me "I love you my cutie patootie" he said and this shocked me.

"I hate you too love" I say and we both chuckled. This feels so right, after everything that has happened in my life. I'd say this is like a compensation for me "I have to add though, that's a pretty stupid nickname"

"Please shut up and enjoy this moment" he said and I laughed. Guess we are not going to be enjoying the moment at the end of the day. How will you tell me to shut up and just expect me to shut up? That is so not Elliana-like.

"Don't tell me to shut up, even my mom wouldn't tell me to shut-" I couldn't complete my sentence cause he picked me up from my legs and started walking into the house "Put me down!!!"

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