Chapter 17

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Thank you all for the 1k reads, I appreciate it alot guys.... Now have fun reading.


Okay I really cannot take this anymore, this is really annoying. This is getting really stupid, how old is she? Freaking five??!!

I really need to know why I can't beat up this girl cause I really can't hold myself anymore. Ella has to explain all of this to me. I don't care if she's sleeping or not, she just needs to answer me right now!!!

"Emmanuella Williams get the fuck off your bed right now and explain to me why I can't kill that nut case, Ore. You better start talking before I force you to" I yell as I pull her blanket off of her.

"Guy what is wrong with you now?? What time is it??" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"It's freaking 1 in the morning and your so called 'best friend' is spamming me, she's sent 19 long messages in 20 minutes telling me why I should break up with Jay and how much of a bitch I am for stealing the love of her life" A message enters my phone at that instance "Make that 20 messages. I can't take this anymore so you have to tell me the reason why I can't put her in her place. Now! "

"Elliana Williams calm yourself down! Did you take your pills last night?"

"Don't even think of changing the topic. Start explaining everything"

"I'm not changing the topic, I just don't want you to rip my head off of me because of what I'm about to say so go get yourself together then you can come back and I'll tell you everything"

"Alright fine... I'll be back in a minute"

Some minutes later

"And if I stand up to her I'm very sure that she's going to post those pictures, I'm just trying to protect my reputation and my sanity" Ella at this point was sniffing and crying.

"Come here sis" I pulled her in for a hug "its okay, we'll look for a way out of this okay?” I tried consoling her but I couldn't even think of anyway to get out of this situation.

"Do you think I can get my life back? Cause it doesn't seem possible if you ask me"

"Of course you can, we are in this together,  I have no idea now but we'll come up with something don't worry" I said trying to tuck her back to bed.

"Are you sure?"she asked still sniffing.

"Yes I am, so just relax okay? calm down, we'll find a way through all of this" she finally slept off but I couldn't. I was completely restless. I had no idea on how we were going to do this, all I know is that we'll get through it. Together.

Another thing that's bothering me is Ore's complains about Jay and I. I have a feeling there is a story behind all of it but I'll ask Ella later.

Since today is Saturday, I'll go for my morning jogs, probably with Ella and I get to see Martins, I don't know but there's just something about him that I like. I want him to meet Ella.


"But Elly I don't want to jog this morning, I feel so sick" Ella continued whining while I was pulling her out of the house.

"Ella you need this, just trust me, I  promise you'll feel better after" I tried to convince her but I knew that she was going to jog with me whether she liked it or not.

"Elly I'm serious I don't feel too well" she continued with all her excuses.

"You're gonna sweat it all out sis, don't worry" I said trying to encourage her. My main aim though was for her to meet Martins.

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