Chapter 26 Filled with tears

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"... I didn't do anything bad. All I did was to mind my business and not be over clingy. I thought I was being clingy, so I distanced myself for a little, no scratch that, he distanced himself from me. And now he turned everything on me? What a joke! Why did I ever care? What made me date him? That's definitely my worst choice ever! He makes me regret ever coming over to Nig-" I say in tears.

"Ana Calm down, calm down, take deep breathes, please just chill" he says trying to calm me down with a can of fanta, just like last week.

Immediately we got home from school, after Jay did what he did, I walked out to Martins house and now I'm on the sofa telling him how damned my life is.

"Just relax and forget about him. He is a fool for letting you go, he doesn't know what he just lost and he's never getting you back, I can go teach him a lesson if you want?" Asks Martins.

"By teaching him a lesson" i sniff "do you mean beat him up?" I ask looking up at him right beside me.

"Yes, would you like that?" He asks with one brow up.

"Nah, he doesn't deserve your time"

"Okay, but thank God o, I thought you actually wanted me to beat him up. Stop crying please, okay?" He says wiping off my tears with his thumb. The vibration from my phone makes me pick it up from the chair. "Who is it?"

"Its Debra" I answer as I stand up to pick up.

"Hey babe, how fah?" She asks in an excited voice.

'After not talking to me for weeks? You just pop up suddenly and you're like hey babe? What the hell?' Is what I'm supposed to say but I'll just let it slide.

"Good" I reply.

"So I need your help, Abisola and I are going on a date tonight, I think he wants to ask me out and I don't know what to wear so I was hoping you could-"

"Just shut up, shut the hell up, Please where's the bathroom?" I ask turning to Martins

"You go down the hall, then you turn right" he said pointing at where I'm supposed to go.


"Elly what's wrong? Wait where are you?"

I give a dry laugh "What's wrong? What's wrong!?!? We haven't spoken for weeks now, since the mid term, you are always with Abisola, or talking about Abisola. Not that I'm not happy for you or anything, but you just like disappeared, you suddenly just left me, even with all the problems I've been having with Jay, oh that's true you know nothing about that!!! About what went wrong between him and I. And you call me now telling me about your date with Abisola and How you need my help. Is that really all I'm good for? For assistance? For favours?"

"Elly calm down, it's not like that, I didn't notice you were feeling that way"

"How would you even notice, did you pay me any attention in school? No, you were always just reading with your little boyfriend" I said jealousy leaking from my voice and tears rolling down my cheeks for the third time today.

"Elly I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I know I was wrong, can I come over?"

"No you can't. Cause I'm not even at home. Enjoy your date with Abisola" I say ready to hang up.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm at a friend's place. A friend that actually cares" I then hang up and the tears just start rolling down. I rinse my face and calm down for a few minutes before I finally step out of there.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I get back into the sitting room.

"I'm setting up Netflix on the television, we are watching a movie"

"What movie?" I ask sitting down on the chair.

"Super bad, you need something to light up your mood" he said smirking.


"Thanks for today once again. The movie was amazing" I say once we reach my gate at about 7pm. "And congrats on your admission. I'm happy for you"

"Thanx smallie, I appreciate it" he says ruffling my hair. I turn back and walk into the gate.

I don't know if I'm to be happy or sad about Martins' admission. Well... Of course I should be happy cause I mean, education is key, right? But I'm sad, I'm going to miss him, who the hell will I cry to when there's something up? Who will sit and listen to me? Who will give me a can of fanta to calm me down? Who will - "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Elly please we need to talk, I'm sorry for how I've been behaving, I know I've been a bad friend but please let's talk. Please" Debra says looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Are you not supposed to be out with Abisola?"

"No I cancelled. This is more important. Honestly I don't even know how to apologize because after you cut the call, I thought about it and realised that what I did was pretty stupid so I" she explained looking very confused and unhappy and I just gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry" we both said together and it brought a smile to my face.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so selfish, you're not out with Abisola now and its all my fault" I say as we walk to the sitting room to sit.

"No no I should be sorry, for leaving you for so long because of Abisola, it was wrong and we both know it. Please forgive me"

"I forgave you since I stepped in and saw you here" I smiled at her then we hugged.

"Thanks... Oyah o, its gist time, but firstly, where were you when I called?" She asks as I pull her up. My Debra is back.

"Let's move to my room first, where were you supposed to go with Abisola today?" I ask not because I want to know but because I want to change the topic.

"Don't change the topic Missy!!!" Oops. I've been caught. Oh well I will have to tell her everything sooner or later.

Few days later... (In the voice of the narrator in spongebob squarepants)

"Ibeji!!!!" Mum yells from downstairs.

"Yes mum?" I call out as I get to the dinning table where she is seated eating fruit salad.

"Where's your sister?" She asks me.

"I'm here" Ella says coming down from the stairs.

"Your principal says your results are out, so you guys should check it on your phones and come and show me now now"

"Okay mum" Ella and I say at the same time but with different moods. I'm really happy to check my result but I don't think Ella feels the same way.

Some minutes later we went back to the dinning.

"I'll start with you Emmanuela since you are older" mum says and collects the phone from Ella "30th all the time, did they curse you with number 30? Abeg shift jare let me check Elliana's own" she says then hisses. I've never seen this side of Aunt Anna before. I hand my phone over to her.

"Hmmm... Smart girl...this is good, at least you've improved from 27th to 10th. Its good dear, keep it up" she says smiling at me.

"Thank you mom" I say smiling back.

I didn't miss the annoyed look on Ella's face though.


Hey guys, filler chapter I know, but we are getting to the more dramatic parts I promise.

Just to make things clear, Ella and Elly are not in talking terms.

Don't forget the drill guys,thank you


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