Chapter 40 The better parent

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"Mom!!??" I yell as I run out of my room.

I get to one of the five, or six living rooms and I see my family and Daisy's family there. Oh so there's a little party. I spot a little banner which says 'Welcome back Elly'. Oh so there's a party that was thrown for me but no one thought of calling me. They made the right choice.

"Mom!?" I call again, earning everyone's attention.

"Urrgghh what is it now?" She answers rolling her eyes.

"Stop the music!" I yell and the music is stopped immediately "Did you read this letter before giving it to me?"

"No why would I read a letter your father sent to you?"

"Well i should be glad you didn't read this one, maybe I wouldn't have found out about all this nonsense. Next time you do stuff like this, be more careful. I just found out that for years now my father has been sending me letters and you usually read them and even go as far as replying them!" An audible gasp comes from behind me. Ohh this is going to be very shocking.

"W.. Wh... What are you talking about? Where did you get all that crap from?" She asks shocked.

"I'm asking the questions here mom" then I let out a sad chuckle "It doesn't even feel right to call you my mom, how can I be sure that you really are my mom? After everything you've put me through?"

"Elliana calm down" Mama N says touching my shoulder.

"No I'm not going to calm down. This time I'm going to talk" I say turning to Mama N "Can you believe that for years my dad has been trying to reach me but my so called mother told him that I want nothing to do with him, without even asking me first. He probably didn't know that I was in Nigeria"

"Elly calm down and let's talk about this private-" she cuts me off and I do same to her.

"Nope" I answer shaking my head "Mama N where do you think she got the money to buy this mansion?"

"She has been saving up for the house" Mama N answers.

"Lies! That's a lie. All the money is mine-"

"Elliana Williams will you stop talking this instance!?" My mom shouts.

"No! No I won't since I have nothing to lose anyways" I say then I turn to Mama N "My dad sent me a very huge amount of money and she used almost all of it to buy a very unnecessary mansion. Without even telling me about it. What do you think about that uhn? She lied to you and used my dad"

"Abigail is this true" Mama N asks and Mama B starts crying.

"What do you think I would have used the money to do?  Get a new mom? Or run away from you? As tempting as that sounds, I would have never done any of those,  I would have spent it on you because you deserve it after taking care of me for all these years but you had to be so cunny and greedy to stoop so low for Christ's sake I am your daughter! You know what? Maybe my dad is the better parent after all" I say as I watch her wiping.

"No don't say that. I did this for you" she said sniffing.

"And the lies continue" I clap melodramatically "For me? You didn't do this for me and you know it, you know that I can't live in a house like this. You did this for society, your social status. You! You!! You!!! It has always been you. We both know you did this just to go higher on the social ladder. But trust me you won't be there for long. How do you plan on paying the bills? You're not even working. Oh I know, you'll just ask my dad for more money in my name" I say shaking my head. I feel so disgusted by my own mother.

"Elliana don't talk to me that way I am your mother!" She shouts with her shaky voice.

"Prove it! I can't believe anything you say again. Do you think being a mother only has to do with DNA? It doesn't. Now please 'mother' answer this question. Did my Dad really have anything to do with you taking drugs and getting addicted?" I ask and her sobs grew louder "You are unbelievable!"

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