Chapter 42 Back To School

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After that night, Martins and I talked. I've made up my mind and no one can change it now. If Martins agrees with what I plan on doing then I need no one else's opinion.

I can't believe my Mamas are allowing me to go back to Nigeria with Martins... And I'm going to be staying with him too. Mama N can't come back with me cause she planned a four months vacation with Uncle Dayo. She actually really deserves it so I don't mind. She'll be back in Nigeria after her vacation. I can't wait for her for four months cause of school.

Ella is resuming School in a fashion school, her dream is coming alive. I don't know how she and Jay are coping but they are still dating. He plans on coming over after our graduation.

Kingsley is the new general manager and since the night of the party, he hasn't really had anyone's time. Its always work work work and work.

Oliver on the other hand has been taking Daisy, Martins and I on crazy and fun adventures. All the fun stuff I've missed doing, I enjoyed them all over again. After Martins' and I's fight, Oliver offered to help me out, he said he knew how to make me feel better. He took me to a bar and got me drunk. Yeah you read that right, I got drunk for the first time in my life and I now know what it feels like to have a hangover. Kingsley and Martins beat him up after that but he says it was all worth it and he still doesn't regret it.

I spoke to my Dad. I thought the scariest thing I'd ever experience was when I got flogged for the first time in school. But no, seeing my dad repeatedly saying 'I'm very sorry' is by far the scariest thing ever. I told him everything that had happened in the past years and me going back to Nigeria. At first it was hard to convince him, but with Martins' superpowers, he agreed. I successfully begged him to not do anything about what my mom did. Now my Dad and I are very very cool. Something I never thought would happen.

Mama B, I stopped talking to her completely until we got to the airport today. All I told her was that she should do the right thing and apologize to my Dad. And then everything can go back to normal.

Right now, Martins and I are sitting side by side on the plane. His head on my shoulder and my headphones on. What more can I ask for?


The first thing that hits me is the Nigerian sun. I definitely didn't miss you dear scotching sun.

"You know I can carry my stuff myself right?" I ask as he drags our luggages all by himself.

"I can't make you carry them yourself, what kind of man would that make me?" He asks once we get out of the airport.

"Boy you mean" I correct him.

"Its until I slap that your mouth" he says throwing our luggages into the trunk of the car and I laugh.


"Home sweet home" I say jumping on the couch "No parents, no rules, no curfews. Its just you and I"

"Chill jare" he says pulling me off the couch "I am the parent in this house" he says now dancing the waltz dance with me "And there are rules. Rule one, don't jump on the couch. Rule two, your curfew is 4pm since you'll be closing school at 3"

I giggled "You must be joking"

"Anyways, there will be a driver to pick you up after school so I'm not worried about that" he said and twirled me around "Rule three, I am allowed to sneak up into your room whenever I want"

"Okay that one is just creepy"

"Yeah it sounded better in my head" he paused and scratched his hair for a while. Then he started with the dance again "But what if I get bored in my room?"

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