Chapter 23 New friend Alert!

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Geng by Mayorkun blasted through the speakers at Lipsie's house as we stepped out of the car. FYI I looove that song. The three of us stepped down from the car and walked in looking like freaking mean girls.

"Let's first look for Ore" Ella said and I looked at her with a questioning look.

"Why?" I ask.

"That's the right thing to do nah, she invited us for her party" Ella replied.

"Yeah I think that's what people do at parties" Debra said giving me a look, like I'm supposed to know that.

"Oh well... Let's just go" I say. As we walk around, I see people that I know and people I don't, some of the people here are probably in the university.

Did I mention that her house is very very large? With a wide space all around it, then at her backyard, there is another gate leading to the second compound with a pool and a smaller house.

We see her by the pool side talking to a guy.

"Hey, Ore" Ella calls out.

"Oh hey" she says smiling at us. She's wearing a bump short with suspenders and a pair of Gucci sneakers. She stops laughing once she notices I and Debra's presence "Why are they here?"

"Ore don't be like that nah, they are my sisters" Ella defends us.

"And I am your best friend, so pick from the two parties cause I won't allow them to-"

"Hey chill baby, just chill" the guy she was talking to calms her down by touching her backside and she jumps in shock but calms down and smiles at him. How disgusting!!!

"Hey ladies, I'm Micheal" he says stretching that same hand to us for a shake, Ella returns the gesture, Debra does too and they tell him their names.

Now its my turn. Oh no!! I'm not touching the hand he just used to caress her ass, ew! He just stands there smiling at me with his hand stretched out. I wave back at him, mentally face palming myself. Call me stupid or a social outcast or whatever, I'm not shaking that hand.

"Oh I guess you don't shake hands with people" He says.

I dash him a fake smile saying "Yeah I don't, I'm Elliana"

"You see she is very rude" Ore says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I've noticed, but I like her attitude" He replied, they were talking about me like I wasn't there.

"Hmmm, oyah its okay o, you people should leave us alone" Ore said waving her hand at us as a form of driving us away. I'm so not leaving here until she says something nice like "please enjoy the party" or "I hope you have fun"

"So where did we stop baby? She said touching his chest and her hand kept on going lower and his hand moved higher to her bust and oh no I can't do this. I'll just respect myself and walk away.


"Are you going to be on your phone all through the party?" I ask Debra. Since Ella left us to have 'fun' on our own, Debra has been on her phone and I've just been drinking any liquid I find while watching people on the dance floor. Almost all my classmates are here and I don't get why, at least I have a legit reason for coming, she's my sister's best friend.

"I'm sorry jare, its just that I'm expecting someone" she said with a little blush.

"Hmmm... Who is this 'someone'?" I ask air quoting the someone.

"Its just Abisola jare he said he is coming" she said rolling her eyes trying to fake annoyance.

"You know I'm not stupid right? Abisola is the guy you like right?" I ask poking her arm.

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