Chapter 11

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"Guys, this is Elliana Williams, the one that Sis. Emmanuella has been blabbing about for two weeks now, don't worry sha, she isn't like her cousin at all. Firstly, she hates Ore just as much as we do, if not more sef. In fact, she was able to talk back at Ore and Ore couldn't even respond" Debra said talking to some group of students. I just stood there and smiled awkwardly.

The students then started mumbling positive things (I hope). They were sounding like Bossette, Guru, Boss, Sharpie and some other nice terms

"Hey I'm Tobi" A dark boy with nicely cut hair said to me.

"I'm Doyin, nice to finally meet you, thank God you're not like your cousin, no offense o"

"Hey I'm Daniel" They kept on going and I lost count so I can't remember the other names  "I'm Elliana as you all know but you can call me Elly"

I sat down with them in their little group. "You are so fine, finer than Sis. Emmanuella sef" A girl with bulgy eyes and cute lips said to me. I smiled.

"Folake what is your own" Another girl spoke up. So the first girl with bulgy eyes and cute lips' name is Folake. I hope I don't forget.

"I'm only speaking the truth nah" Folake said.

"Thanks" I say feeling more comfortable with them than I was with Ella and her friends.

"No problem jare, so how did you shut Ore up? I'm curious" Folake asked eagerly.

"Well, I tried being nice to 'lipsie' by shaking her hand but she didn't want to answer me then her nice friend Amaka ended up shaking my hand instead. Lipsie then said my beauty was over hyped or something and I-" I was cut short by lipsie.

"Hey you! Is there something wrong with you? Because you are American or because you are my best friend's cousin doesn't mean I can't punish you o, this is my school and I run the school so you can't disrespect me in my own Palace. So now you'll get up, go over to the field and get on your knees" Lipsie said with a little more attitude than necessary. I looked over at my newly found friends and I noticed that they were all looking at her in shock and disbelief.

"Excuse me??!! Sorry I was telling a story to my friends before you came over so please I'd like to finish what I was saying if you don't mind" I said giving a fake smile "So I told her that-" I was cut off again. This time, by my own cousin.

"Elly just stand up and listen to her, don't be rude, you're my sister doesn't mean you should be rude to my best friend"

I was very shocked at what Ella said "Ella, I so can't believe what you're saying, you are supposed to be on my side here, how can you even support the crap she's speaking right now. You expect me to actually  go over there and get on my knees?" As at now all the students are looking over at us.

A teacher then approaches us noticing the commotion. " Ahah Ahah What is  going on here?"

"I'm telling this junior student over here to go and kneel down on the field but she isn't answering me, she is even shouting at me and being very disrespectful" Ore says pointing at Debra. Okay is she totally blind? Why is she pointing at Debra instead of me?

"Sir, I  didn't do anything, besides, I'm not a student of this school so it isn't right for me to serve punishment in your school, don't you think?" I say standing and looking at Ore blocking her view of Debra.

The teacher notices my accent and he replies with a forced American accent.  What the hell? "You know you can't punish someone that isn't from this school, go and sit" He said looking at Lipsie.

"I am not going anywhere o,  I'm not even talking about this Oyinbo, I'm talking about her friend, Deborah, she is always very disrespectful towards me but this time I can't take it any longer, tell her to go and serve the punishment before i vex" Lipsie said to the teacher with authority.

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