Chapter 33 POV's

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Jay's POV

I didn't mean for all this to happen I swear. I didn't know it would get this far. I've liked Emmanuella since the first day I stepped into Cherub. She being my senior didn't stop me. Then Elliana came along like an angel that fell from heaven. I like her, yes, but just as a friend. The one who I truly love is her cousin so I tried getting to her cousin through her. A very stupid idea I know, but at least it worked. Ella and I became really close and I couldn't help it anymore. I asked her out - which was very risky by the way because the both of them are really close. But she surprisingly said yes, well she gave me a condition. I had to break up with Elliana. Of course I had to, I mean I can't double date two sisters. That's just suicidal. So I did it in the dumbest way possible. I blamed it all on her. Even though I knew that I had been the one avoiding her. Yeah I'm stupid and I know it.

Elly wasn't supposed to find out about Ella and I that way. We were supposed to sit her down and talk to her. But I guess we weren't being secretive enough.

When Amaka told me about someone coming for Elly. I got really worried, but all I could think of was maybe cutting off her hair or her finger nails. All these girly stuff nah. I never would have thought of rape.

When I saw Elly walking towards Ella's room, I knew something was up. So as her assigned body guard. I walked to the room and I saw that bastard trying to take advantage of her. I lost it and punched him numerous times. If not that Abisola, Debra and Amaka got there early, I'd have probably killed him with all the energy I was putting in those punches. Bastard!!!

Ella's POV

I didn't know about all this. When Ore said she had a plan. I didn't even ask what her plan was. I just wanted Elly to pay for everything she's done to me. Firstly, she started dating Jay, a boy I've loved since the day he got into Cherub. Well I shouldn't count that cause she didn't know about that. The only thing she really did to annoy me is that My own mom started loving and caring for her more than for me. My mom calls us ibeji and its very annoying cause I'm older. She's a straight A student, she participates in activities like sports and these are the main things my mom has always wanted from me. And honestly I've tried. But that's just not me. I can't just wake up one day and start running as fast as Ore. Or can I? If there's a way I would give anything for it really.

I read Elly's eyes when she saw Jay and I kissing and she was hurt. She pretended like it was nothing but I saw it. I felt really bad cause I haven't been all that good to her too. So I tried to reach for my phone but then I remembered that I gave Ore earlier cause she needed to use it. I started searching for Ore and during my search, I saw Jay carrying my baby sister towards the hotel clinic. And it just hit me that Ore stroke already. And its all my fault.

Ore's POV

She deserves it. She deserves all of it. She started everything. Since the first time I saw her. She was just plainly rude to me for no reason in particular. And I hate things like that. So I tried punishing her, I even threatened to post Ella's nude pictures if she didn't take care of her cousin. But nothing seemed to work. She even came to my house with that creepy cat, she came to my party without invitation and I allowed her. She turned everyone in MY school against me. Its like she just came to Nigeria to ruin my life. The one that hit me the hardest was when she stole my spot during the inter house sports, I've been the one taking the speech ever since I was in js2, but she just had to spoil all of that. And she also broke my record of being the fastest girl in school. It pissed me off and I knew I had to do something to get her off my back. The night Ella called me accepting my offer I was overjoyed and the first thing that came to my head was what I did. So I made a deal with the most perverted boy in the history of perverted boys.

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