Chapter 6

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"So how did it go" Daisy asks immediately we get into her room. Turns out she wasn't asleep, she left her phone down stairs.

"It was okay" I reply her.

"Are you sick or something? I spent my whole evening getting you ready for your long awaited date and all the time you were gone I was thinking about you and how much fun you'd be having and you come back and just say it was okay? I need all the details Babe" She yells as I undress to take a shower.

"Well.. He kissed me" I say entering the bathroom in her room and switching on the shower.

"Oh my God Elly" she squeals "How was it?"

"It was okay"

"If you keep on saying that I'll get in there, throw you to the ground and beat you up, naked or not and I am serious!!" She says and she really means it, that's how Daisy shows love, with violence.

"Alright fine" I say switching off the shower. "The date was a complete waste of time and I regret going, I should have just stayed here and watched a movie or painted my nails or plaited my hair or something, anything really!" I put on my pajamas and I come out with my hair all wet.

"Firstly he took me out on his bike which was super cool, we went to the cinema and we watched a very scary movie, you know how much I hate those kind of movies but he totally ignored all my protests and I had to scream all through the movie, it was about a creepy doll that..." I told her about my amazing night and at some point I started crying "... I walked in on him kissing a lady, I know I shouldn't be jealous because he isn't my boyfriend or anything but we went out together, he was supposed to be with me through out and make me enjoy my last night here but instead he was making out with that girl" I say cleaning my tears off, why the fuck am I even crying, its not like I was planning on being with the idiot for the rest of my life or anything.

"Jem is an utter ass, the next time I see him I'm going to do some really terrible things to him, I'll teach him not to mess with the love of my life" She says pulling me in for a hug.

"Make sure you beat him up and burst his lip open for me okay?" I say sniffing and smiling a little.

"I will Babe don't worry, see it as my goodbye gift okay?" She says smiling at me

"Thank you"

"No problem, now enough of the sulking and let's get you looking pretty for Nigerians" she said standing up.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I'm going to braid your hair like right now"

"Are you stupid? That's not even possible" Don't get me wrong, Daisy does hair really well but time is just not on our side. I mean its 9 in the night.

"Oh its possible, watch and see" This girl is crazy. She pulls me to her dressing table and starts braiding my hair. As she does that we talk about school and church but then we run out of things to talk about and that's when I remember something, I was supposed to talk to Ella.

"Daisy please pass me my phone I need to call someone" I say pointing to the phone

"And who is this someone?" She says reaching out to pick it for me.

"Its Ella my cousin, I need to ask her some questions" I say searching for her number. When I find it, I decide to send her a text instead.

Hey Ella. Its me Elly, Can we talk?

I wait for some minutes before she replies

Hey Elly Sure we can, Call when you're ready

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