Chapter 41 What to do!

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Few minutes after, we arrive at his house. It looks just like any normal house. They are rich in dollars but they aren't wasting money on a ridiculously huge mansion. Just saying.

He twists the doorknob but it doesn't budge. So he knocks.

"I'm coming" I hear a voice from inside and I hear footsteps walking  towards us.

"Don't open the door!!" I hear someone else with an accent shout immediately and I hear a thud on the floor.

"Guy why did you push me?" The first person asks.

"What if its one of our enemies? Quick go lock all the doors and windows!!" The accent guy says. Okay this is funny "And call Bobo to make sure he is safe"

And that's when I burst out laughing Bobo? "Bobo?" I ask laughing at him.

"I've told them to stop calling me that but they never listen" he says shaking his head as I laugh at him.

"Why not just ask who's at the door?" The first guy suggests.

"Obey before complain! Go and lock all the doors! Time is running out"

"You are being too paranoid"

"Why not just obey me first?"

They continued to bicker and Martins finally decided to speak up "Guys its me" and they stop talking.

"You see your life? Enemies ko, enemies ni" the first one says and I hear a click sound from the door before it opens up to show a light dude with a nest as hair in shorts and a tank top. He has an earring on his left ear.

"Guy how fah, did she let you in?" He asks Martins before he notices me "Ohh hey, you must be Elliana"

"That's me" I answer with a toothy smile.

"I'm Oliver, Martins' big brother" he says stretching his hand towards me. I'm about to shake it but Martins slaps his hand away.

"Enough of the greetings please, excuse us, we need to come inside" he says pushing him away from the door.

"I hope jealousy doesn't kill you" Oliver murmurs as I walk in behind them. Next thing I know hands are covering my eyes and the both of them are cussing like they are in some kind of cussing competition.

"Guy go and put on some clothes na!"

"Can't you see there is a girl in the house?"

"Shit! Is that Elliana?"

"Yes!!" Oliver and Martins shout then I hear footsteps of someone running away and the hands are removed from my eyes.

"Oh God!!! What a bad first impression!"

"Sorry about that Ana" he says and Oliver gives him a questioning look.

"Ana?" He asks as we drop the food on the table in the living room.

"Yeah that's the nickname I gave to her" Martins says proudly and Oliver shakes his head in disappointment.

"That is a STUPID nickname" he shouts at him emphasis on the word stupid and I laughed slumping on the chair "Can't you be creative? El sounds like a perfect nickname, What do you think El?"

He asks looking at me. That was what Jamal used to call me "I don't think I like it" I answer.

"Really? Cause it sounds perfect" he tries talking me into it.

"Yeah I'm sure" I answer.

"Well I give up, Bobo has probably messed up your brain" he states and I laugh again.

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